Chapter #6

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The weight of my own arm on my stomach wakes me up. With the worst case scenario in mind I jump to a sitting position. It's the terror of my biggest fear, which might be bizarre but I've been expecting it to happen ever since I can remember that my hand would take on a life of its own and slap me around. But then the unfamiliarity of the room overwhelms me and shifts my panic from my hand to the door. Or, the lack of one.

Shaped like a seven with one corner shorter than the other, making the bottom smaller than the top, Ive felt put in a surreal situation cut off from my past and left with an open doorway that I wasn't sure was even worth going through.

I am a No One lying on the mattress.

With a blanket that might as well been a shroud because of how dead I was feeling, almost like a newborn baby. No past, definitely no present. Because with the numbness deep inside of me, there would be nothing left to form new memories from the now. It would likely just slip off me like the waning memories of my parents. Maybe I had started suppressing them, given how they didn't even feel real anymore.

I stare at the mutilated threshold, focusing and unfocusing my eyes. When it focuses again a figure stands there like a single chipped tooth in a gaping mouth.

A sharp sigh crushes the silence and as my eyes focus again, I see Me-Crazy standing in the threshold like the first time I saw her when she stood in the mist.

She steps inside with the same annoyed expression that starts looking all too mischievous in the next second. And I'm learning soon that it's from a cruel game she must've planned all night long, given the bags under her eyes.

"Did he fuck you here?"

My eyes shoot towards the loose blanket and mattress and I wasn't actually sure. Did he?

"Did he make you kill?"

Me-Crazy slumps down on the mattress besides me but I am suddenly too lost in thought to even care about how close I was to my mother's killer. It feels like a memory is knocking from somewhere far, on the back of my head, daring me to remember... Yet nothing registered.

Her huge brown eyes linger on my face, moving left and right like she was reading from a book. Then she leans in, catching my attention for the first time.

I jump to my feet, because, I'm not kissing this monster.

Me-Crazy who seems totally emotionless regarding the rejection, just rolls her eyes before rolling on her back where she spreads out like a starfish on the mattress.

She is raw faced with no makeup on, and despite the odd situation I can't deny that there was something pretty about her too, roughly so.

Her smokey gaze is scanning me up and down like she has done before except that now my whole body is in her radar, instead of just my face.

"You're pretty," She remarks.

I cross my arms in front of my chest, feeling weirdly see-through now that she had voiced my own thoughts aloud.

"Thanks," I say dully.

"Alanche told me so." She adds, grinning challengingly.

The name makes my mind spiral for a moment. I see the butcher knife, John's corpse and the sprinkling fountain. Which, the latter reminds me how thirsty I am.

Her legs spread apart. I glance down guiltily, and like she realises where my gaze went she snorts in her own heinous amusement before snapping her legs together again and standing up.

"You must be hungry," She smiles. "We eat children here. So, digits or limbs?"


She gasps. "I'm Shirley. I totes forgot to introduce myself. What's your name?"


I flinch when she hugs me out of nowhere. And it's the candy perfume that puts me in a trance and allows her to hook her arm through mine to take me on a spin through the shackled building.

We pass a long hallway that is split with a door, five rooms on each side. Fluroscents light the way until daylight shines in from the left and that's where she's taking me; onto a balcony.

It opens to a blue sky and a mundane green lawn which's only uniqueness was the fact that it seemed out of this world because it really was a backroom of this world. A tiny place shut off from the rest, where the music stopped and all you could hear was a vague dragging of feet. Which didn't suddenly mean that you weren't alone, oh no, you just felt so isolated that your own mind starts coping by adding a delusion into the mix to keep you sane even if that would seem counterproductive.

And actually, it wouldn't be so bad if everything I see before my eyes is imagined, because out of nowhere a gun is pulled.

It clicks once, then her raspy voice announced, "Let's feed you some bullets, Mary. You were hungry, weren't you?"

Me-Crazy's kitty (GirlxGirl) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now