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Raven: It has come to my attention

Raven: That Bellamy has never had poutine

Bellamy: Oh god here we go

Lincoln: Poutine?

Clarke: He hasn't WHAT

Bellamy: Can y'all stop it seriously doesn't matter

Jasper: Monty says that poutine is dangerous

Monty: I never said it was dangerous

Monty: I said you could inhale while eating a french fry and it could get stuck in your windpipe and you could choke to death

Jasper: Oh nevermind then

Jasper: Let's go get poutine

Clarke: Uh

Clarke: Anyways

Clarke: This isn't acceptable

Clarke: I don't think I can truly dislike you until you've had poutine

Bellamy: How about you start by just explaining what it is

Raven: It's heaven

Lexa: It's food

Murphy: No isn't he that Russian guy

Murphy: From the song

Jasper: 77777777777777777

Harper: Yes Murphy 100%

Clarke: I'm coming over and I'm bringing poutine

Octavia: Omg yes please do

Bellamy: Please don't

Raven: I'm coming too

Raven: This is a moment I don't want to miss

Harper: Ooh me too me too

Jasper: Me too

Monty: Seriously Jas

Lincoln: Lexa wanna join them?

Bellamy: You're still banned from my house unnamed grounder

Lincoln: Fine then I'll go to Monty's apartment

Monty: I've been blackmailed into banning you from my apartment too

Lincoln: Istg

Lincoln: Murphy did he blackmail you too

Murphy: Nope

Murphy: No one can blackmail me

Murphy: Except myself

Harper: How does one blackmail themself

Lincoln: Whatever 

Lincoln: I'm coming over

Lexa: I am too

Lincoln: I'll be there to pick u up in 5

Lexa: No that's okay I'm already on my way

Lexa: Clarke and I are taking the bus

Raven: You're on a bus

Raven: With Clarke

Raven: As in 

Raven: The bus that has a stop outside Clarke's house

Raven: As in you were at Clarke's house

Lexa: No Raven I was having a friendly chat with her neighbours

Lexa: Of course I was at Clarke's house

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