"I've got you." | FROSTIRON <3

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YES I SHIP THEM. If you're not okay with that, then leave, thank you.
This is literally my OTP, OTP. My favorite ship of all time 🥴

• bl00d
• Sc@rs
• pain
• mention of r@pe
• Mention of sharp bl@des and sizers
• Mention of torture
• mention of ab*se


[ Tony's POV: ]

I sat there, bored out of my damn mind. No idea what to do.
"Sir, there's someone at the door." Says JAVIS.
"Who? Can you make out a face?"
"Yes, sir. It's the god of mischief, Loki of Asgard."
What? What was ranger games doing here? What did he want?
"Open the door, let him in. Make sure he makes it in alright."
I don't know what it was, but I have a feeling something was off. He doesn't usually come to me to hang out, so there's got to be something going on.
"Yes, sir." JAVIS replies and I can hear the door open. Someone stepping in and taking of there shoes.
"Ranger games. What brings you here?" I say, not facing him. It's silent for a minute, but then he says, with the most broken voice I've ever heard, "you were the only...person nearby...I could think of." His voice sounds shattered and desperate. I turn to him, and I wasn't, at all, prepared to see what I saw.
His hair was greasy and messy, his eyes were filled with fear, yet he looked absolutely exhausted. His clothes, dirty, broken and has holes in them. He looked as if he wanted to be held as he cried.
"Oh my god. Loki, what the hell happened?" I run over to him and put my hands on his shoulders, softly.
"I cannot speak of it, at this state, Tony." He says, leaning on the me as I take him to the biggest bathroom I have. I looked at him, asking for consent to take of his shirt. He nods, and softly starts taking it of. But then he stops, grunting. His eyes start filling up with tears, and he shakes his head.
"Is it painful?" He nods. "Alright, I'll have to cut it open then. Is that alright with you?" He nods again.
I open one of the cabinets and take out the sizers. I cut the shirt of and am left speechless at what I see.
His whole body is covered in scars, bruises and blood.
"I'll explain later." Loki says, noticing the pure Horror in my face.
After I had finished, we went to the living room and sat him down on the couch.
"I'm guessing you want an explanation, now, Stark. Is that correct?" His voice was still deeper then usual, broken and hissed.
"Yes, I'd like that. But you don't have to rush it. Take your time explaining it all, ranger games." I smiled at him softly and to my surprise, he returned it. He took a deep breath.
"Alright, so, I was in Asgard because My brother wanted me to be. Therefore, I had to be held in a cell. But the punishments...were something else. It was...forced pleasure, when the only people getting pleasure were the people doing it to me. They would hit me with metal polls and so much more, that I don't even want to get into. But the worst one, that effected me the most were the threats. They would threaten me with the people I loved. For example, Thor and you."
"Hold up- me? Why would you care about me, at all?" I say chuckling.
He looks at me and sighed.
"Because of this." He gestured with his hands, to him and me. "You would help me, even if you hate me."
"Loki, I'd always help you. No matter what. I've always cared." Loki looks at me, and I can see something I've never seen in his eyes. Desire. I return the look, wanting him.
He pulls me by my shirt and kisses me. The kiss was sweet, filled with passion and love. When he finally breaks the kiss he says,
"Come cuddle with me, Darling." He says and I swear, when he calls me Darling, I fell so much harder for him.
"Anything for you, my love." And I Lie down next to him and rap my arms around him, carefully not to hurt him.
"I've got you." I whisper and he cuddles more in to me, feeling more safe then he has ever in his life.

So this was a longer one, well mainly bc this is my OTP of all my OTPs ;)
I feel kinda proud of this one, ngl :)
See y'all in the next one!

( all story's with "<3" next to the ship name mean that that ship is one of my OTP's 😌 )

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