- Dare -

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"Whoa how come this bottle never stops infront of you? Did you put a spell on this huh,Y/N?" Bambam asked loudly making me cringed internally.

"Will you keep it down Bam..I think you already had too much to drink why don't you go and take a rest on the couch over there" Jaebum said as he points the couch behind us as we gather around the table to play spin the bottle.

"No! No! Im not drunk yet! And also I still want to play until the bottle stops at Y/N,she needs to do a dare coz last year she wasn't able to do it" Said Bambam in slurred voice.

Why are we playing this again? I actually I don't know who started it but this has been a yearly thing eversince I started working in Serendipity,its a cozy restaurant owned by Mr.Park well technically his son Park Jimin owns it but his dad is the one managing it coz Sir Jimin have another full time job which is being the main choreographer at Bighit Entertainment a well known and famous company for artists here in Korea.

And today is the restaurant 4th anniversary well I have been working as the manager for 3 yrs now and we started this 'tradition' 2 yrs ago.You see we will close the restaurant earlier then we will have a dinner and then the guys will have booze after and then when most of them are starting to get tipsy thats when we start our game of spin-the-bottle but with a twist because this game doesn't consist of the usual truth or dare thing,but only dares which we draw from the rolled paper that we wrote before the game start and we only get to spin the bottle 10 times so with 9 of us playing excluding Uncle Park,coz he doesn't play but he was just the one in charge of spinning the bottle..you would think that all of us would've the chance of taking a dare right? But no..not me.I think luck was always on my side for the past 2 yrs coz the bottle for some reason never stopped infront of me.Last year it was Jisoo who got the dare twice, her last dare ended up with her and Jaebum as a couple.Well,her first dare was to point out who she thinks is the most good-looking male/ female in the room and yeah she pointed out JB who was already blushing after and then her lucky stars must have been on her side or JB side coz she got the last dare for that night and we were screaming when she picked the dare that says kiss the most good looking person in the room well that resulted to JB asking her out the next day,actually I wrote that one hoping that I get to pick my own dare coz I would definitely kiss Sir Jimin uwu..But actually most of what we wrote as dares aren't that extreme or dangerous they are usually really silly and quite funny like when Sanha got those hickeys that lasted for a week because of Jinyoung and when Mark got all flustered and avoided Bambam for almost a month when he received a very sexy lap dance from him infront of us.Or when Rosè called her ex-boyfriend and pretended she was having sex and was moaning Donald Trump's name which resulted to his ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend storming to the restaurant and demanding to see Rosè because she was with the guy that night and heard it all and thought that her boyfriend which was Rosè ex-boyfriend cheated on he— oh well you get the idea.But for me the cutest was when Sir Jimin picked the dare that say 'call your parents and tell them that you're gay/lesbian and that you're coming out in the closest formally' so he took his phone and called his dad which was also in the room and said those words and his dad playfully answered 'that its ok he will still accept him as his son no matter what and to remember to close the closet door after coming out'

So see it wasn't all that absurd and crazy right? But why I felt like my world crashed down when the bottle finally stops infront of me?

"Yes! Thats what I'm talking about! Yeah! Finally wohooo!" Exclaims Bambam after the bottle stopped and he suddenly stood up and pump his fist in air like he won the lottery or something.

After reluctantly choosing a paper from the jar of dares I nervously unrolled it..Well I kinda prepared for this actually so I told my mom and friends that if ever they received any weird calls from me today just ignore it.So after unrolling the paper and taking a deep breath I look at the words written on it with only one eye peeking.

Fuck! Im so doomed!


Coz the words written there says:

Get a tattoo visibly on your arm with the print:

'Fuck Me!'.

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