- Are you sure? -

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"Are you sure about this Y/N?" Jisoo asked,her expression doubtful.

"Well,it was my dare so I need to fulfill it".I said nonchalantly while we were at the stockroom and I was doing the inventory for our supplies.

"But I know you're not a big fan of tattoos so maybe we can asked them to change your dare instead?" She said concern written on her face.

"Jisoo I know you are worried about me but I'm ok it's just a tattoo,I could just cover or have it removed anytime I want and also I don't want them to think that I couldn't do it,remember I told you when I was young?"

"About what?" She said in confusion.

"That bully before when I was in grade school" I said at her pointedly.

"Oh yeah,that one that dared you to climb that tree to save that poor kitty that got stucked"

"Yeah you know I'm afraid of heights and she knows about that so she dared me to climb that tree near our school and get that cat or else she's gonna throw rocks at the poor thing"

"Yeah well,you did it coz you pity that poor creature and you saved it but now there's no one that needs saving so better asked them for another dare if I were you".

"Nah I'm fine I guess getting a tattoo isn't really that bad"

"Uh huh,not bad if it isn't "FUCK ME!" in bold letters that will be written for everyone to see" She said while rolling her eyes.

"Ohh yeah..." I said as if I forgot what was the word that is about to be permanently inked in my body.

"Hmmn..anyways since you really won't change your mind when are you planning to do it?"

"Tomorrow after my shift,Bambam said he already booked me in his friend's shop and he will be the one to do it"

"Ohh,whats the name of the shop?"


"Seriously? That's the name of the shop?" Jisoo said obviously amused with the shop's name.

"I know right? But I think it's quite catchy,just like Euphoria maybe you will feel euphoric after your tattoo" I said while giggling,she looked at me and then we giggled together.Just then Bambam came and asked me if I am ready for my 'big day' tomorrow.

"Yes,and don't worry I won't chicken out" I said while rolling my eyes at him at I continued checking my lists.

"But maybe you will 'duck out'?" He said teasingly and Jisoo smacked him lightly on his arms.

"Don't tease her she may seems cool with it but in deep inside she's scared" Jisoo scolded Bambam.

"Im not scared" I said defensively.

"But you don't really want to do it"

"Y-yeah but..but...."

"Ok enough Noona said she wants to do it then let her do it" He said as she pushed Jisoo out of the room as she tried to still talk but he managed to take her with him outside.

I just sighed and resumed what I was doing trying to shake off from my mind the dare.

The following day as soon as my works done I went straight to the address Bambam wrote down for me.I stood outside the shop and read the signage that says "Inkphoria".I took a deep breath and held the door of the shop.This is it! Once I entered then there's no turning back.As my grip on the door handle tightens I closed my eyes and suddenly pushed the door opened.I held unto my shoulder bag tightly with one hand and the other still clinging tightly on the door.

I stood there immobile for a minute or two still unable to open my eyes afraid of what the shop would looked like..when I suddenly heard a very angry voice.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!".

Mr. InkedWhere stories live. Discover now