Damn that woman

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"I want four kids..3 boys and one girl".

I randomly blurted out one night as we lay down in bed with her stroking my hair my head leaning on her chest..

"Why only one girl? And yah!!! Isn't it a lot?! I mean im the one who will be carrying your kids not you!" She said as she pushed my head off..

"Ok i'll settle with three then.." I turned to look her in the face and winked at her.
"Two boys and one girl coz I want her big brother to protect her like how I protect their momma"

"Huh?! You protect me? Excusee me Mr.Jeon but isnt it the other way around?" And she pinched my ears not so gently.

"Ouch! And excuse you soon-to-be-Mrs Jeon when did i ever let you protect me?!"

"Last night when you were groaning and shuffling in your sleep who woke you up? I have save you from those horrible dream..Ha! I bet it was one of those nightmares again like what you had when you were a kid"

"Pfft..Haha..I wasn't having a nightmare last night I was in pain coz I dropped by the gym after work yesterday and i did a bit of boxing too"

"Hmp! Such lame excuses!"

"And remember how you 'woke me up' ..hmmn? Now Im in a lot more pain because someone just decided to straddle me and humped me like a rabid bunny in heat..Huh! Huh!"

And with a playful look I turned to face her and tickle her sides..I know just how ticklish she is.

"Stop it! Ahahahaha! Jeonnnn!Damn you!!ahahaha" She hysterically laughed while struggling to get out of my hold.

"Ouch! Damn you woman! Come back here! Im not yet done with you!" I screamed as she succesfully kick her way out and i pretended to ran after as she hurried out the room while sticking her tongue out childlessly...

Damn..why those memories keep flashing back now..argh! I groaned as I get up from lifelessly laying in bed and started to pace back and forth while thinking out loud...I'm really really pissed right now..I thought I was doing ok with my life but in just a snap i was face with reality that my life hasn't been progressing as I thought it was...

Is it because after how many years that woman just suddenly appeared out of nowhere just like that..like like nothing happened? What was she thinking? That I will pretend that everything is fine like I wasnt hurt and didn't go through a lot when she left me....that I will accept her like everything is ok or that she can just waltz in my life again just like that.. after she left me that day without prior notice or hints not even just a fucking note saying im sorry im leaving you for whatever shitty excuses she could come up with but nothing..nada..so excuse me if i was so angry seeing that woman again..I've been hauled up here in this room for 3 days now and not even Yugyeom can come in or make me come out of my room..I will let them handle some of our clients and some can just postpone their schedules with me..I just dont want to do anything right now and I can't be bothered..Im feeling shitty and its that womans fault why im like this...so dont blame me..blame her..

That damn woman..Damn you Mijoo..

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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