- Who's the Guy?-

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"Y/N can you tell me now what happened?"
Jisoo asked the nth time.

"Huh?" I replied dumbfoundly.

"See..are you even listening to me? You have been spacing out a lot too...tell me pls what happened im dying to know..pleaseeeee!" She exaggeratedly said.

"Ok ill tell you after work"

"Why not now?" Jisoo whined.

"Coz as you said i need to focus on my work so shooo..lets go lunch breaks over". I waved my hand as to dismiss her and she gave me a scornful look before she scurried away..

I sighed and tried to not think about it anymore and started working again but i feel its gonna be a long day still..

After work we ended up in the cafe not to too far and not long after we sat down Jisoo has been bombarding me with questions.

I told her what happened at the shop and how the  'guy' reacted,she was confused and wondering why he behaved that way but i didnt give away any clue as to what reasons maybe i just pretended i had no idea as well..

I just can't tell her everything yet..no not yet im not comfortable telling someone about my personal life i mean on that level yet..we are quite close i also shared something about myself but i didnt open up about my family nor Hajun.
Im not keeping her as a secret but theres more to it than that so maybe i might tell Jisoo about her next time..maybe.

"So you won't go back there and confront the guy why he acted that way towards you?"

"No i dont think so,maybe he just confused me with someone else,i think he was a bit drunk that time" I said the last part as an excuse so she wont ask me more.

Jisoo lean back on her chair and asked me with her arms crossed "So what about your dare?"

"Im still up for it,maybe ill just find another tattoo shop" I said while I sip my iced coffee.

"Or maybe you can go back to that shop and demand a free tattoo coz one of their employee disrespect you!" She said with her eyes going big as if a brilliant idea just pop into her head.

"Yeah..maybe" I said nonchantly.

"Oooh.. i wanna come with you" She said rather enthusiastically.

"Hmn..I'd rather you not".

"Whyyyyy..?" Jisoo whined.

"I dont want you making it weird for me! I know you will be making a lot of fuss if you come with me,so I'd prefer to go there alone". I stated firmly

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes definitely".

"Ok..ok I wont insist then..but tell me all that details especially when you meet that angry dude again".

I smiled and said "Alright,I will dont worry"

But truth be told I'm very very worried and anxious coz I cant decide whether I will go back to that shop again or no..
If im brave enough to face Jeon again the father of Hajun.

.......My twin sister's daughter.


Hello..It's been awhile...
I dont know if im going to finish my other books
but hopefully ill be motivated enough to keep going..
Been busy with adulthood lately its been so stressful..😩

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