- Excuse Me?-

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"Wtf-who is this gorgeous man? Is he for real?" I thought to myself my mouth hanging open but what shocked me most is the pure anger radiating from this handsome,gorgeous man,his posture rigid,his jaws were tense and his tongue poking the side of his cheek and his fists clenched and unclenched and his eyes..Lord,those piercings eyes..the stare that he gives bring chills to my body its as if he wants to burn me with those eyes the unfiltered hatred—


Hold on.

Why do I feel that his anger is directed towards me?

Do I know him?

Does he know me?

I for sure if I met him somewhere I will never ever forget that face coz my goodness this man is just so delectable I mean face value his just so perfect I could just stare at his face all day long and let's not even talk about his body coz right now he is wearing a tight black v-neck shirt that outline his lean and muscular body and his arms full on tattoos that some i cannot make of and his faded levi's hugs his toned thighs like second skin and his hair..Gosh! I thought I am not into long haired guys before coz I thought they look unruly but this man..with this hair and this face and this body..oh la la..

I started fanning myself coz I felt hot suddenly then after awhile he spoke.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He said again in a low and more harsher tone.

I look behind me thinking he was not talking to me but there's no one behind me and then I looked around but only him and that other guy cleaning the floor are the ones left inside its either they are closing for the day or there's really no customer at this hour.

"Excuse me?!" I asked when I confirmed that he really is talking to me.

"You heard me! What the hell are you doing here?! How do you know I'm here?!" He said in a now more louder voice while slowly approaching me.

How do I know he's here? What?! What does he mean? Of course I came here to get my tattoo done.What the hell is this gorgeous man spurting about.But as he slowly stalked towards me I also slowly stepped backwards until my back hits the door.His face still contorted with anger and when I looked into his eyes I saw something else like pain but as soon as I saw it it disappeared maybe I'm just imagining it.

"Why are you here? Why did you come back huh?!" He said as his face is just a few inches away from mine.I looked straight in his eyes but I cannot hold his gaze longer with the fire raging in his eyes so I looked away and tried to move on the side to put some distance between us since he was blocking my front.

"Erm..excuse me Mister but this is my first time here and I booked an appointment with you..I mean your friend booked an appointment for me sorry I came late coz I need to finish my work before coming here" I said while still not looking at him and fidgeting with my fingers.

He leaned on me and spoke near my ear."What game are you playing at? Did you come here to see how I'm doing? Do you think I will still be miserable without you?" He said this then he held my arms and he shook me harshly to look at him.

"Answer me! Why are you here Mijoo?!" As he still held my arms tightly I could feel his nails digging into my skin.

"Bro! What are you doing man? You're hurting her" as that other guy called him out and pulled him.He then let go of me and I massaged my arms which he gripped harshly.I looked up at him and then I felt my eyes start to water so I turned and open the door and said without looking.

"S-sorry just cancel my appointment" And then I left.

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