- Found You -

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My head is hurting as I moved away from that place.I was confused,no I was shocked.That scene back there wasn't one of the plausible scenario that I was thinking before coming in.I thought the place will be packed with some scary looking people holding tattoo machine with wicked smile on their faces. Or I would chicken out in the middle of my session coz it'll be too painful for me to handle or I will just asked the guy to give me a lasting henna so that I could fool everyone that I did really get the tattoo.But never had I thought that I will met a very handsome and gorgeous man in that shop and was spurting things that made my head hurt right now.I walked aimlessly around the shops and buildings and maybe after an hour I decided to go home and as I stood to hail a cab something clicked on my mind about what he said back there.Not long after a taxi stop infront of me,I get in and told the driver my address and I leaned my head on the headrest and closed my eyes and tried not to think about the possibilities though I think its quite obvious now even without confirmation.After a short ride the driver declared we arrived so I paid and hurried out,I checked the house and saw that no lights was on meaning everyone is asleep.I checked my wristwatch it say past ten in the evening so that's why.I fished out my keys from my bag and slowly opened the door.After getting inside I walked quietly into my room I don't need to open the lights coz my room its just a short distance from the living room.I tiredly put my bag on my table and checked my phone.There was lots of missed call from Jisoo and a text coming from her asking how did it went and asking me to call her as soon as I see her message and one missed call from Bambam.I held my phone and contemplated for awhile if I should call Jisoo.Then before I could decide my phone vibrated and her name appeared on the screen.I swipe the answer button and put the phone on my ear.

"Hello Y/N?"

"Mmmn.." I hummed my reply.

"Did you do it? You didn't...did you?!" Her voice unsure.

"Yeah" I said weakly.

"Yeah you did it or Yeah you did not do it?"

"Yeah I did not"

"Oh..b-" She was about to asked me why Im sure but I interrupted her.

"Can I tell you about it tomorrow sorry Im kinda tired". I said hoping that I wouldn't elaborate more right now.

"Oh ok..yeah..yeah you should rest" said Jisoo.

I said bye and ended the call.Then I took a quick shower and change to my comfortable pajamas and went under my covers and then I turn off my phone.Since it's my off tomorrow so I could sleep in.But as I was about to turn off my bedside lamp.I heard my door creaked open.I turned and smiled at the person who entered my room.

"Hey,I thought you are already sleeping?" I said as I opened the other side of my cover and then she sleepily get in and snuggled on my side.

"I am but I suddenly woke up,can I sleep here tonight pretty please?". She looked at me with her sleepy doe eyes.

I kissed her forehead and then she put her arms on my waist and her head on my chest.
"Of course sweetheart ,you can sleep with Mommy tonight".And I held her tighter until I feel her breathing even out meaning she has drifted to sleep.

And after awhile I said in a whisper.

"I'm scared baby,because I think...I finally found your Daddy".

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