Tag is a lethal game - Pt. 1

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"Hey Uncle Clint, tag!" Peter hollered, lightly tapping the archer's shoulder before swinging away.

It was a usual day in the Stark Towers. Actually not really- it was one of the few days where not much crime was occurring in the city and there were not many missions springing up, so some of the Avengers, like Clint, Steve, Tony, Bucky and Sam were relaxing in the tower, relishing in their hard-to-come-by free time.

So Peter had decided to make full use of this wonderful opportunity.

However, Clint's response wasn't exactly what Peter had had in mind.

"Hey- what does 'tag' mean?" Clint questioned in confusion, causing Peter to halt in his tracks as he turned around in disbelief. "Uncle Clint, you've never heard of 'tag' before?" Peter responded, his voiced laced with incredulity, his eyebrows raising. Clint rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, laughing as he uttered, "Y-yea? Is it a type of disease or something?" Peter snorted, waving his hands in the air as he explained, "Nonono- it's a game you utter birdbrain. Basically, if I 'tag' you, you're the 'tagger', and you'll have to pass it on to someone else by 'tagging' someone."
Clint grinned instantly as he slowly approached Peter, "I like this game."
Peter, getting the memo, backed away slowly, before launching into a full-on sprint, with Clint in hot pursuit.


They ran down the halls for god-knows-how-long, before Peter finally managed to slip away, causing Clint to curse loudly.

"LANGUAGE!" Cap screamed.

Oh, right. Somehow, Clint had wound up in the common room, where all the Avengers were relaxing.

"Hey guys, do y'all wanna go out and have lunch at a cafe or something? I don't wanna be cramped up here all day." Sam suddenly suggested, earning a couple "sure!"s and "alright"s alongside some nods. "And of course, I'm paying." Tony huffed, rolling his eyes. "We love ya Tones!" Sam responded, reaching over to ruffle Tony's hair.

In a flash, Tony had gripped Sam's wrist, grumbling, "No. Only Peter can do that." "Awhhhh Tones' a softy for Peter~" Bucky teased, a smirk stretching on his face, all whilst Sam was trying hard to get his arm out of Tony's iron grip while screaming at him to let go.

"Speaking of which." Clint piped up, "Where is Peter?" "In his room, saw him run there a second ago. Why?" Cap responded, not looking up from his book about American laws or something.
As soon as his words left his mouth, Steve felt like he had made a dangerous mistake as Clint bolted off in the direction of Peter's room.

"The fuck was that?" Sam mumbled, arching an eyebrow at Clint's weird antic.



Peter was soo doomed. With his super-hearing, he could vaguely make out what was going on in the common room, and as soon as he had heard Cap give away his location, he flipped hard. Being a superhero avenger with spider-powers, Peter decided on his best option.

To hide in his closet.

Sliding open the wooden piece of furniture, he slipped inside before hastily slamming the door shut. Digging through his closet, he managed to wade deep inside his pile of clothes that have fallen off of their respective hangers. It was pitch black as Peter lay there, awaiting certain doom. His heart pounded furiously as he heard his door slam open.

It then hit Peter that he should've escaped while he had the cha-


The closet door was rammed open, as Peter let out a high-pitched scream and threw an armful of his clothes into Clint's face.

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