Flash really be out here stealin identities

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AU where the Avengers do not know Spider-Man's identity.

BUT- Peter works as a personal intern for Mr Stark.

And Flash takes advantage of that like the idiot that he is.

Also, because I'm actually a simp...

More Bucky.

Because I need more Bucky.


"Truth is...

I am Spider-Man."

Peter just gaped at the television screen displaying the news, too shocked for words.

Spider-Man's identity finally revealed as Flash Thompson! The headlines stretched across the screen.

Peter's eyes widened as he opened his mouth to scream.


Flash was on screen, in a tuxedo, surrounded by paparazzi and flashing cameras. He flashed a smug grin as he strutted around, microphones thrusted towards him as he spoke.

"Yes, indeed- I am your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

He seemed to be enjoying this immensely.

Peter- however- was not.

Peter was freaking out as beads of sweat trickled down his forehead and his heart felt like it was racing at 69420 miles a minute.

Doing the only logical thing he could, he fumbled with his phone for a couple seconds to find it blowing up with messages and missed calls from his girlfriend, MJ and Ned, his guy in a chair.

His phone suddenly sprung to life, blaring out the Spider-Man theme.

MJ and Ned were group video-calling him.

Sighing, he slid his finger over the "Accept call" button and prepared for the shouting.




Peter moaned in annoyance as the shouts that were emitted from the phone pierced his ears.


Ned let out a squeak of apology, the both of them falling silent as their faces contorted into worry.

"..Pete? You there? You okay?" MJ began gently.


MJ sighed. "Pete.."

"I'm not okay I'm not- what do I do guys what do I do.." Peter griped, burying his face in his hands, moaning in frustration.

"Hey hey hey it's okay.. it's okay. You're okay." MJ soothed, sighing a little at her sappiness. "We're here for you, baby."

Peter's head shot up at her affectionate nickname.

"Pete, can't you just.. expose him or something?" Ned questioned.

"Ugh, I can't, because I'll have to reveal my identity- and I don't want that." Peter groaned.

"Then let him do it himself."

Peter and Ned both looked up at their screen.

"What?" Peter and Ned both uttered simultaneously.

"Dude's an idiot. Avengers would probably wanna meet him and.. they'll find out he isn't who he says he is." MJ replied, shrugging a little.
"Just let him have his fun."

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