Online Classes

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Peter had online classes.

No shit, obviously. It's 2021.

Online classes are normally alright. Boring, but manageable.

Unless you lived with the Avengers, of course.

Which Peter did.


What a tragedy.

Peter normally hid in the safety of his own room to have his Zoom lessons, locking all the doors (and the vents) to prevent himself from dying of embarrassment.

But that wasn't an option as of right then.

Peter was freaking out. Just a tad.

As in he was screaming internally.

Clint had glitter-bombed his entire room, and some glitter had gone into the ventilation system. Thus, the room had to be evacuated for awhile because breathing in glitter wasn't exactly the healthiest thing in the world.

And Peter had five minutes before lesson started.

He had no where else to go but the common room.

Sighing in defeat, he shuffled out into the corridor leading into the common room as he hastily planned how he was going to do this.

Somehow, most of the Avengers were hanging out in the kitchen.

So Peter decided to steal the couch.


He had considered going onto the ceiling, but if one of the Avengers were seen on his camera walking upside-down, a lot of questions would arise.

Peter's identity might be exposed as only Spider-Man could sit on the ceiling.

So he decided on his only option left, making an impenetrable fort.

Yes, he was a genius, what about it?

But he was running short of time, so there was no time to be sneaky or subtle.

Running full speed, he gripped a side of the couch and hoisted it into the air above his head.





In an instant, all the Avengers' eyes were on him, too stunned to react as Peter effortlessly lifted the heavy couch and sprinted to the corner of the room.

Without thinking, Peter propped the couch upright at the corner of the room. Because the couch was so oddly-shaped, it made a perfect little hideout. All Peter had to do was shove some pillows in the gaps of his little fort and hold everything together with his sticky Spidey body.

Tony, laughing his head off, managed to pull himself off of his seat and made his way to the spider's little makeshift fort.

"Underoos, what the heck are you doing? Aren't you a little too old to be playing 'house'?" Tony questioned, laughing a little.

Peter, not wanting anyone, much less Tony Stark, the king of embarrassment, knowing about his impending Zoom session, mumbled out in a muffled voice, "No one's too old for 'house', you old man."

Tony chuckled before retreating back to the kitchen.

Peter ferociously typed in the Zoom code and password into his computer.

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