A Very Stucky Field Trip

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Peter Parker-Stark had a field trip to Stark Towers.

Aka, his own home.

Aka, oh no, he thought that he was going to die.

Ned was out of town, MJ was sick.

Essentially his best (and only) friends were MIA.

So when he had boarded the bus that took him back to his own home, he had had every right to be nervous out of his mind.

His crazy family would do anything to embarrass him.

They'd probably even break laws to do so.

So imagine his surprise when the field trip had gone smoothly with no disruptions.

Until the end, that is.

The Universe just wouldn't give Peter a break.

"Oi, Penis." Flash sniggered, elbowing Peter in the ribs roughly, causing Peter to wince slightly, "You're lucky we didn't run into any Avengers today. Imagine the embarrassment you would've had if they exposed you."

Peter just rolled his eyes, eager to board the bus to leave.

Flash had been tormenting him.

For the whole.



Peter was about to lose it, especially in the familiar domain of Stark Towers, where his true and carefree personality usually came out.

But Peter held it in.

Just a while more. C'mon, Parker.

But did the Universe want Peter to have a nice day?

Of course not.

So why was Peter so horrified and shocked to find a Tony Stark standing in front of his entire class?

"Hi Peter's- I mean uh. This country's smartest highschool. Mhm."

The entire class was gobsmacked, too tired and worn out from their fun day to process the fact that the Tony Stark was talking to them.

Peter just facepalmed, groaning inwardly.

Tony just grinned, giving him a small wave that thankfully no one else noticed.

Peter wanted to disintegrate and become one with the floor.

"So." Tony clapped his hands together, continuing, "I know you all are tired from your long day of walking around a literal building, aka doing what everyone does several times a day, so on behalf of the Avengers, I'm inviting you to have dinner with us."

The class instantly became more awake and chaotic.



"Holy shit no way."

Tony just smirked at the sight of Peter's soul ascending.

Peter just stood there, open-mouthed, utterly flabbergasted.

"So c'mon now. Chop chop, to the elevator. We Avengers don't really like to wait for anything, especially when it comes to food." Tony announced, flashing his paparazzi grin as the class bustled towards the elevators in a slightly disorganized fashion.

Leaving Peter behind, who looked utterly enraged.

"What the fUCK Mr Stark!"

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