Im coming ✨home✨

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Naveah pov:

I'm on a plane on my way back to Japan. I'm so happy I get to see my parents again. It's been 11 years since I seen them in person, and I finally get to go back home with my true parents, brother and best friend.

They've been fighting for custody of me for all these years and I finally can go back because the court had all the evidence they needed to show that my biological parents are still unfit.

Bakubro and izuku don't know I'm coming back so I can't wait to surprise them 😁

{time skip brought to you by bakugo loafers}

I landed and I'm waiting in the airport for my parents to come.

Right now I'm just sitting on my phone scrolling through tik tok. But than I heard my name being yelled out and I see the people I've been hoping to see all my life.

My parents

I run up to them and jump into there arms (then they do all that omg I haven't seen you in a long time stuff, sorry I'm lazy😅)

(In the car 🚗)

"So how have you been sweetie" my mom mitsuki asked. "I've been good, but better now that I'm here" I responded with a smile. "How about you" I say quickly. "Same as you hun I'm just really happy to see you". "Same" I said.

{another time skip brought to you by deku speaker knocker shoes}

"We told the brat to come down for the weekend, but he has no idea that your here" mitsuki said "He got into UA right? I'm so proud of his fat neck self" I commented "yeh me too but he still has anger issues" she said " yeh I bet"

We walk into the house and I didn't see bakugo, I'm guessing he's in his room. I decided to take my stuff to my room first and then go in his room.

Once I sat my stuff down I took off my jacket and went to his room.

I walked in his room causally walked in his room looking around, It looks the same but it was a little different. Surprised he still didn't notice me I decided to say something.

"Ew you a dirty ass lil boy why you got your underwear on the floor punk"

"Who da fu-" he started but turned around and say me "Naveah?"  He question. "Yeh dirty ass lil boy?" "NEVEAH!" he said this time jumping up to hug me. I chuckled and hugged him back "hey bro"

"Dude what the hell are you doing here" he said letting go of me. "Well um mom and dad got custody of me, so I'm here ig" I said answering his question.

"Wow I'm so glad your here" " yeh me too" we hugged one more time before I left out the room.

(y'all we gone do a time skip to she move in the dorms bc I'm lazy)

I grab my boxes out dad's trunk and make my way to the dorm entrance. I walk in and there's a group of people talking, hopefully they dont notice me I thought to myself.

But they indeed noticed me. They all turned around and just stop and stared. "Hey, how y'all doing?" I said awkwardly, thankfully Bakugo walked in and told the to stop staring.

{time skip brought to you by kenma left toe}

We got all the boxes in my room and I had time to unpack and get my room together.

We got all the boxes in my room and I had time to unpack and get my room together

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(Her room)

I plopped down on my bed huffing as I landed. "Finally I finished " I said with a sigh.

"Man I'm hungry ash" I walked out my room into the hallway. As I'm walking I realized I'm lost "Man where that damn elevator go?" I question

As I was walking trying to find my way I see a girl with pink hair and skin. I debated if I should go up to her and ask her for directions. I end up going up to her and tapping her shoulder

She turned around confused at first "oh hey wasup you must be the new girl we seen earlier"
"Oh um yeh" I chuckled lightly scratching the back of my neck.

"So um I kinda got lost can you take me to the kitchen" I asked. " Oh yeh of course, come on girl"





ok that's the first chapter I hope y'all like it
realizing it the plot did change a lil bit😅

But Naveah will be meeting izuku very soon so stay soon👀

Also there might be some spelling mistakes so yeh


Xoxo kamyia❤️

769 words

Edit: ok y'all I fixed some of the mistakes I made but that's all

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