I dont give a ✨fuck✨

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A/n (you don't have to read this) so I seen that I made hella spelling mistakes so I will be fixing those soon😓

Also I seen that some of y'all put my story on your reading list and I would just like to thank those two people that made me so happy and gave me motivation🙇🏽‍♀️💕

And I don't really care about y'all voting and stuff like that if y'all want to than do it. But I would like y'all to comment Bc I feel like that's the best part of any story🙃

Tw: uraraka slander

but enough of me talking




Naveah pov👹:

It's been a few weeks since I moved into UA dorms.

I've gotten pretty close to some of the students like denki, mina, and sero. (they are gonna be the main people she hangs out with besides deku)

Denki is funny ash and I just overall love his energy, Mina is like the sister I never had, and sero is my smoke buddy.

Deku also told me how he got his quirk from all might and all the fights they had with villains and how bakubro got kidnapped by the LOV.

At the moment I'm getting ready to explore Japan.

"Where the hell did I put my purse" "Look on the side of your bed" deku yelled from the bathroom "found it!!"

of course I wasn't gonna go explore by myself, my best friend was definitely gonna go with me.

Deku walked out the bathroom room "ouuu best friend you look good do a 360 for me😏" I laugh "boy don't gas my head up" I said turning around in a circle.

Deku walked out the bathroom room "ouuu best friend you look good do a 360 for me😏" I laugh "boy don't gas my head up" I said turning around in a circle

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