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ok guys this is not really a chapter but it's to get to know naveah a little better👽

Height:5'5 (my dream height)

Race:knee grow🧍🏽‍♀️

Hobbies: She's really good at skating and likes going to the skate park every weekend. She's also good at soccer but doesn't really play to often🙇🏽‍♀️

Dislikes: throwing up (I actually really hate that)
and ketchup🤢 (also really hate that too)

Likes: music, talking to herself in the mirror (I do that sometimes🥲) , umbrella academy, and all shades of blue

Hero name: infinity (y'all I couldn't think of anything I'm sorry.🤷🏽‍♀️)

She's really strong and independent and doesn't really like asking for help because she feels like she just waisting there time. She's definitely a feminist and is all about supporting woman.

She likes learning about new cultures and really into all genres of music (except for country music👹)

umm from time to time she be smoking trees👀 but not that often bc she still is young👩🏽‍🦯

Favorite snacks: pocky, hot chips, watermelon sour patch kids, and grandma cookies.

Favorite food: greens, bake macaroni, and ham

She also really likes jewelry and owns a lot friend ship bracelets (she bought them herself tho)

She has double piercing in her ear and two in her nose

She has double piercing in her ear and two in her nose

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Like this but not those earrings^

 Like this but not those earrings^

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Noes ring^

Hopefully y'all know who this is🥲but this is her hero outfit, but instead of green it's white (but I might keep it green, wht y'all think?)

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Hopefully y'all know who this is🥲
but this is her hero outfit, but instead of green it's white (but I might keep it green, wht y'all think?)

This is why she looks like but I might end up changing it I don't know🙇🏽‍♀️•¥•¥•¥•ok so y'all that's it I was gone continue but I got lazy plus I have school so😃

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This is why she looks like but I might end up changing it I don't know🙇🏽‍♀️




ok so y'all that's it I was gone continue but I got lazy plus I have school so😃

But I how y'all enjoyed the lil "chapter"

and I would like for y'all to comment that would be really nice👹


Xoxo kamyia💵

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