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Naveah pov:

"hey pass me a soda"  I say to beast boy who was chilling on the sand "you got two arms and two legs do it yourself" I kissed my teeth "man fuck you booger looking ass boy"

I got up about to get my soda " veah wake up"
"what you mean wake up nigga we at the beach"
he stood up and started shaking me "VEAH GET THE HELL UP"

I jumped up out of my sleep "MAMA DONT HIT ME IM UP" I looked to the side to see it was just deku "dude you scared the hell out of me😤"

"Well you need to get up we have school" my eyes widened in shock "what time is it?!?" "7:00 school starts in 30 minutes" "bro wtf!!" I say jumping out of bed.

I started rushing putting on my uniform. "I'm so glad I took a shower last night because I wouldn't have time to get in now" I say to deku while I do my hair. I had put a wig on last night so all I had to do was my edges.

 I had put a wig on last night so all I had to do was my edges

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After I did my hair I started on my makeup which  was just eye liner lipgloss and lashes

I grab my keys and bag and run out the door. "come on izu we're gonna be late" "bc of your ass yeh" "stfu and let's go"

time skip🎃

We made it to the class room just in time. We walked in and everybody looked at me "damn do I have something on my face?" I say while feeling on my face. "no it's just that your hair is different from last night when we saw you" iida said

"oh lol it's a wig😂" they all gave a ohhh expression. I walked over to my seat next to denki "heyy bae" "wasup veah" I sat on his desk "where my hu- I mean mr aizawa at?"

"One I heard yo sick ass and two he's gonna be late today" "so you telling me I rushed for no reason?" "Yep" 

"Ms Jones please stop sitting on the desk" Iida said while moving his arms up and down. I just hopped off because I was gonna go talk to my brother anyway.

"KACHANNNN" I yelled knowing it was gonna make him made. "DONT CALL ME THAT SHIT"
"Why not you let izu call you that?" I said with a smirk on my face "shut up" "yeh that's wht I thought"

"anywho look we twinning" I say pointing to my hair. "Whatever get out my face you look ugly" "yo daddy punk ass boy" "fuck face we have the same dad"

I was about to respond when I heard someone say "I mean bakugo's right blond doesn't really look good on you" I look back to see who it was

it was that karen bob ass bitch uraraka. "what tf you just say hoe?" " yeh wth did you say floaty?" bakubro said standing up letting out tiny explosions.

"I-I was just a-agreeing with y-you" she said slightly shaking "damn uraraka you fucked up" I heard denki say.

"Only I get to talk about my sister ugly ass lil girl" "deku you need to get yo ugly ass lil gf" bakugo said "nigga that ain't my gf fuck you mean" he said mean mugging bakugo

I kinda felt bad for her on how he said it but she just said my hair was ugly so idgaf.

"Damn not even the nerd want your ass"

"That's enough!" my hu- I mean mr aizawa said as he entered the room. "Take your seats now so I can get started"

Everyone went to there seats and he started the lesson for the day.



Ik y'all like you haven't updated in days and when you finally do you give us this bs

Ik ik but I plan on updating again tonight so calm down 🙄🤚🏽

Im pretty sure there are spelling mistakes so yeah🥲

Xoxo kamiya⚠️

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