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The car was on its roof, smoke or steam billowing, and in his shaken state Nick Fury couldn't tell which.

He shifted, staring out at the road.

S.H.E.I.L.D was compromised, and now the Winter Soldier was after him.

Steve was going to find out, and there wasn't anything he could do now.

Pulling out the tool he needed and flicking it on, Nick Fury began to cut through the roof below him.


Steve and Aubrey spent the rest of the day together after having lunch at a restaurant called Chopt across from the national archives. 

Aubrey ended up dragging Steve into the Natural History Museum, which they later had to flee from after a Captain America fanboy recognised him.

They walked and talked, and Aubrey ended up challenging Steve to a race, mistakenly thinking she could win.

He of course, won, and lapped her twice just for good measure.

With the sun going down, Aubrey was getting hungry, and Steve offered to take Aubrey home.

"Oh ho ho! Me thinks I should have asked you out after all!" Aubrey joked, and Steve surprised her by nodding.

"Maybe you should have. But I guess you were just too slow there as well." he jabbed, smiling at Aubrey, who shook her head.

"Maybe next time we race I'll give myself a fifteen minute head start, yeah?" she wheezed, smiling at him.

"You did good, c'mon, dinner's on me. I have some leftover chow mein at my place, we could watch a movie while we eat." he proposed, and Aubrey nodded, smiling at Steve.

With a pang, she was reminded of James. He had brought back some veggies, and ramen noodles from the supermarket, and made the two of them impromptu chow mein while Aubrey was pregnant with Aura.

He had talked about an old best friend, his first love and coming out story, and how he might have been open to a non monogamous relationship, but he doubted they'd ever meet again.

So maybe, just maybe, with the smallest chance that she could bring James back, she and Steve might stand a chance, and that was only if James liked Steve as much as she did.

But there was a chance, and she was willing to try it.

"Hey, turn around, I wanna try something!" Aubrey requested, and when Steve did as she asked, she jumped up onto his back, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Couldn't've warned me?" Steve grunted, and Aubrey laughed.

"Eh, I figured someone as fast as you should have good reflexes." she teased, and leaned forward. "Onward! Mush! Tally ho!"

Laughing, Steve walked back to where his motorcycle was parked, and Aubrey jumped down, climbing onto the motorcycle.

"I'm driving!" she said, turning on the motorcycle and putting the kickstand up.

"It's my motorcycle." Steve argued, and Aubrey winked.

"And I could just drive off on it. Now get on and give me your address!"

Steve hesitated for a moment before relaxing into a smile.

He gave his address, "1614 Connecticut Ave." and then Aubrey was off.

She'd had motorcycles before, and she liked riding them, but it was hard to own something like that when you were on the run.

Steve wrapped his arms around Aubrey's waist, his brown coat flapping behind him. Slowing to a halt at a red light, Aubrey turned, grinning at Steve.

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