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Aubrey reached the gun first, tossing it aside to land next to her bag.

The fight would be easier without a gun involved, otherwise it would just be back and forth for the weapon, trading it every few minutes.

Taking two more steps forward, Aubrey ducked under the first punch, swinging herself back up to tackle him into the snow, pinning his metal arm with one leg.

"Just like old times eh?" she joked, pulling the mask and goggles off his face. "You look better without the mask."

Reaching up with his metal arm, and knocking Aubrey to the side, the Winter Soldier seized her throat, and tossed her like a rag doll into the snowdrift by her bag.

Standing, the Winter Soldier pulled a small knife from his belt and threw it, end over end toward Aubrey.

Aubrey barely had enough time to shift out of the way before the knife sliced through her coat, grazing her arm and embedding itself in the snowdrift.

Hissing, Aubrey grabbed a handful of snow and pressed it to the cut before she stood, scrambling over the snow drift and taking off into the forest, if she could get the advantage, for even a minute, she could escape.

Weaving in and out of the trees as she ran, Aubrey glanced behind her every so often, and once she was confident the Winter Soldier was far enough behind, leaped at one of the trees.

Her jump carried her further than expected, and she slammed into the tree, almost falling back down. Climbing high enough that she could hide, but staying low enough she could jump down if needed, Aubrey perched there, holding onto the tree with one arm, pressing a handful of snow to her injured arm.

The crunch of snow alerted her to the Winter Soldiers presence, and she waited, dropping her hand from her arm and tensing.

A twig snapped below, and then the Winter Soldier was standing directly below her, just as she'd hoped.

Letting go, Aubrey dropped down onto his shoulders, using the continued momentum of her fall to swing him into the trunk of the tree. He grunted, and Aubrey grabbed onto a branch above her, to keep from following him into the tree.

Unfortunately, the branch she had been holding was dead, and it snapped, sending her falling into the snow. Standing up, Aubrey glanced between the dazed Winter Soldier and the heavy branch in her hand, before swinging it into the back of his head.

The branch cracked, breaking into several pieces, and the Winter Soldier collapsed.

"Sorry, Love," Aubrey apologised, turning him over to press a kiss to his forehead.

It took Aubrey too long for her liking to make sure Bucky didn't have any more weapons on him before she headed back. Snow had started to fall when Aubrey got back to her bag.

Her left arm still stung from where the knife had grazed her, and she pulled her backpack on, scooping up another handful of snow to use as a cold compress.

It took an hour and a half to get back to Privyotchka, and when she did, it was snowing heavily.

Her apartment door was still wide open, and Aubrey hurried inside, packing the rest of her things into her backpack, including her groceries. Once the apartment had been cleared of anything belonging to her, Aubrey headed back downstairs and out into the snowy street.

Hot wiring a car was easy, and soon Aubrey was on her way to the airport, having purchased her tickets while merging lanes a few miles back.

The flight was scheduled to leave in two hours, so Aubrey made a small detour to the train station, parking out front and heading inside. The locker she'd rented before heading out to Privyotchka had a 'package' inside it filled with wigs, hair dye, a couple different outfits, and a make-up kit. Pulling the key out of her bag,  Aubrey opened the locker, removing the package and heading back out to her car.

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