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The first soldier to slip up was the one at the front entrance. He stepped out a little too far out to check and see if she was there.

Pausing, Aubrey turned off her sink, and calmly closed the curtains.

Grabbing her go bag from its place just under the couch, she glanced around. If there was anything here she wanted, it would have to come with now, once she left S.H.I.E.L.D would no doubt put the place under surveillance.

Sighing, Aubrey shook her head, they probably already knew about Aura, which meant she would be under constant surveillance.

Groaning into her hands, Aubrey pressed the palms of her hands into her face, trying to think.

Walking back over to the sink, she peered carefully out the small crack in the window, observing the ground below. Nothing else yet, but they'd slip up again.


Teams were positioned at each exit, and someone was scanning the building for explosives as the other occupants were quietly evacuated.

Walking up the stairs as quietly as possible, Captain America made his way to the troops by Ms Williams' door. It was the Lemurian Star all over again, but this time, without the hostages.

The flight below, one of the soldiers held up one thumb to signify the safety of all the other occupants.

It was go time.


Staying by the window for a few more seconds, Aubrey spotted one of her upstairs neighbours, a young boy named Dieter, walk a little too far out, only to be guided back into the building.

They expected a fight.

And they would get one.

Aubrey waited, patiently, pretending to wash the dishes, for no other reason than to hold a throwable weapon.

Counting down from three, Aubrey waited.




The door came down with an almighty crash and Aubrey turned, flinging the plate like a frisbee and it smashed into one of the soldier's faces, shattering on his helmet and distracting him long enough to run into the wall.

Jumping the dining room table, Aubrey picked up one of the chairs and threw it out the door.

With a yell, she tossed the door back through the gap, following the chair.

It gave her the distraction she needed to grab her go bag and the other chair, throwing one through the window in front of her and slinging the other over her shoulder.

Taking a running start, Aubrey jumped through the window, sailing over the alleyway between the neighbouring building and landed on the smooth cement, rolling onto hard gravel seconds later.

Maybe, just maybe, she stood a chance at getting out of this.


When the door came flying through the doorway where it used to be hinged, Cap knew they were dealing with an enhanced individual.

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