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              A series of shakes took Taylor out of that nightmare. Cold sweat was all over her forehead and her breathing was unstable. Upon opening her eyes, a pair of worried hazelnut eyes greeted her. It was Briana who pulled her out of that dream. She sat down and started to wipe the sweat she has. Lying beside Briana is Lace. Sensing the movements, she was also awakened and was asked by Briana to fetch some water for Taylor to drink. She immediately complied and went to the kitchen.

         "Is it the same nightmare again?" Briana asked after Lace left. Taylor nodded in response and Briana understood it all.

          "We'll soon find the culprit. We'll make them pay." She said in a firm voice. Taylor just lowered her gaze and tried to calm down herself.

          "Whoever it is, I will crush their bones, dig out their eyes and mince their hearts. I will skin them alive and fry them in boiling oil afterwards!" She said with her eyes closed and first turned into balls, ready to punch anyone who will come near her. Lace had just arrived and was about to give Taylor the water when the latter opened her eyes and shot her a deadly glare that nearly made her drop the glass she was holding. She trembled while handing over the water. Briana couldn't help but chuckle as she pulled her out of the room. This poor little thing was almost scared to death.

             "Did I unconsciously offend her?" She asked that only made Briana chuckle more. 

             "How long has it already been since you became one with us? Five years?" She asked and then answered her question too. Lace was taken by Taylor when she was fourteen years old. Like Taylor, she also lost her parents in a massacre that happened when she was twelve. The day when Taylor "saved" her, she was walking down the street after running away from a filthy place she was brought to. After her parents died, her grandparents took care of her but life was never easy for them. When her grandparents died when she was fourteen, the illegal loan provider demanded her to pay their debts or else, they would take her as the payment and that she would be sold to a club that offers fresh flesh from youngsters. She was so weak at that time and they were able to have a hold on her. After being dragged down off the vehicle and realizing they had reached the place, she gathered all her strength and kicked the balls of the man holding her and ran as fast as she could when the man released his grip on her. That's how she ends up bumping into Taylor, with a pair of katana crisscrossed at her back. She was a month younger than Taylor and is four months younger than Briana but they were all nineteen years old now. She couldn't help but let out a sigh. Among the three of them, Taylor has the most complicated attitude. Next would be Briana and then her. They had a trainee under them last admission season but after half a year, she died in a mysterious death, and surprisingly, Taylor didn't press the matter any further.

          "You've been with us for five years now and you're not yet used with those sharp eyes of hers?" Briana said mockingly but Lace didn't mind. Instead, she surfaced another topic. 

          "The admission season is happening again, right? Did Taylor mentioned if we'll have a trainee again?" she asked. The admission season happens once every two years. The different subunits will then accept trainees that they will train for various purposes. 

           "I haven't asked her yet. In anyways, let's just leave the decision to her." With that being said, they both moved on and decided to prepare. They were just about to start fighting about who'll take a shower first when a walking statue passed by and slammed the door close. With the matter being already decided, they could do nothing but to sigh. It didn't take that long for Taylor to get ready. When Briana and lace finished preparing themselves, she had already cleaned Phoenix and Raven over a couple of dozen times. Upon entering where Taylor was seated, the two were already shot with a one-minute-more-and-you're-dead glare. After glaring at them, she got up and headed to the car. The two quickly followed or else they'll be left behind. It took only about twenty minutes before they reached the academy. "BLACK SMITH ACADEMY ''. An academy known for its barbarian students. An academy known to house and welfare students who suffered so much in life and knows only one goal. REVENGE.

          After entering the main gate of the academy, various greetings were thrown to the three. Taylor is the number one student warrior here and no one, even men, can beat her and her twin katana. Phoenix has a fire-colored handle that's why it gained its name while Raven has a black-colored handle. Everyone in the academy is obliged to name their weapons and develop their trademark killing method. Briana's crossbow is named Nightingale and her killing blow is Big Bang. Lace's gun is named Sparrow and her killing blow is called one is to five (1:5) while Taylor's killing attack is called Hundred.

          They walked straight to their area designated for their unit. Every unit has its den and areas of  responsibility. Their units' names were engraved on the door of the den and no one, except their unit, was allowed to enter. They were almost there when someone accidentally bumped into Taylor. The lady fell on the ground and was suddenly summoned back to the mortal world where she belonged the moment she felt her butt hurt. Lace immediately offered her hands for help and the lady accepted them happily.

             "I am very sorry. I didn't mean to bump on you. It was just that I was lost and can't find where Neo Clan is located, that's why I was spacing out." The lady explained as soon as she recovered from the impact.

              "So you're a baby?" Briana asked and inspected her. 

              "Uhmm no. I am already eighteen so basically speaking, I am not a baby anymore." The lady answered innocently, taking Briana's question literally.

               "Pfft ... " Lace can't hold her laughter and chuckled. Everyone's attention was now drawn unto them.

          "What's your name?" Taylor suddenly asked, which shook everyone. She is not the type of person who will inquire about a person's name unless he/she belongs in her "to-die" list. Hearing this walking statue ask for her name, the lady gathered all the courage she had. 

           "Nathanya. Nathanya Faye." She answered immediately. Taylor seemed to nod and lower her gaze before staring at the lady again. 

           "Nathanya, Neo Clan was at the end of this alley. Walk straight and upon reaching the end, turn left and you'll see it." She then instructed this lost soul that had everybody thinking. The directions she said were indeed the way to reach Neo Clan. They were just surprised to see and to hear this devil give the exact directions and didn't drag the lost soul to hell. The moment Taylor finished giving instructions, Nathanya smiled, a smile that can melt anyone's heart but unfortunately, she was facing Taylor. She then thanked her and strolled down the way immediately and in a snap, she was gone.

          The three of them then continued walking and reached their den.

           "That little girl seems silly. I wonder which unit she will be assigned." Lace said as she pulled a chair to sit on. 

           "If my baby sister was able to survive, she must be around the same age as her." Briana suddenly said, smiling as she recalled the face of her little sister. It's been eight years since that cursed event happened. Yet the memory of her sister being scared and wasted was still clear in her mind, just like a mirror reflecting everything perfectly. It's been eight years since five crappy shits raped her sister. 

           "Ate*, do everything and escape. I can't accompany you anymore. Please find a way for you to escape." Her little sister hushed while blood kept on flowing out of her private part. 

          "Sssh.. don't talk anymore. We will both escape. Hold on and don't leave Ate behind." she said, trying to calm her down and convince her.

              "I can't anymore. After you escaped, don't forget about me, 'kay? Make them all suffer. Revenge for me." Were the last sentences her sister said before life drained from her.

          A slight pat at her shoulders brought her back to her senses. She looked outside and saw everybody moving. 

         "What's happening?"she then asked.

           "You were spacing out so much that's why you didn't hear the speaker. We're asked to gather at the Gathering Hall." Lace answered her. She then nodded and decided to pick up her crossbow and Lace turned to grab her gun. Taylor tucked her twin katana at her back and they waited for a while before they moved out and headed to the Gathering Hall. She had phoned someone earlier and asked that person to arrange something for her. Another season has started. Will it be fine this time?

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