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             "You're mom and I became friends inside an academy. It's not a normal academy because its students are fierce. Calling them warriors was a more suitable name." Vicky started.

              "Wait. Does the academy's name is Black Smith Academy?" Nathanya asked that surprised Vicky.

                "How did you know? Don't tell me you're all studying there??" She asked surprisingly. They all nodded and unison and Vicky couldn't believe it.

                 "Then, do you belong to the Sapphire's clan?" She asked.

                  "My unit does." Taylor answered.

                  "Your mom and I were in the same unit before and we also belonged to that damned clan. One time, we were asked to kill someone. But that someone is your dad. Tyronia and Travis were already dating months before the mission was given to us. Knowing that the person she was going to kill was the person she loves the most, Tyronia warned Travis. Because of what she did, we failed the mission. Although we're not punished, our unit's reputation was ripped off. We were excluded from Sapphire's clan. That's when everything came to us clearly. We finally realized that Demethry is just using us. So we ran away from that academy. We thought we could run away from him. But he didn't give us a peaceful day. Until finally, he seemed to be tired of running after us so he stopped. That's the time we finally relaxed. Your mom and dad started a family and I chose to live my life alone. Who would've thought that he would come after us again after how many years had passed." Vicky said, shaking her head as she tried remembering every detail of her bitter past.

                "And it's not just as. We also got friends from other units that wanted to break free from the academy. So together with them, we planned on how we would escape. And we succeeded. We kept in touch with each other just to make sure that we were safe. They all started their own families." Vicky added. Briana's eyes started to redden and tears followed them.

               "Is there someone named Brian or Lyn from that circle of friends you mentioned?" Briana asked, which surprised Vicky again.

                "No way. Are you Brian and Lyn's daughter?" She asked and Briana nodded. After hearing her, Vicky immediately stood up and hugged her.

               "So you survive? My effort didn't go in vain." she said.

               "You're parents' were also close to me. The day before they were mysteriously killed, your mom contacted me, asking if I can monitor her two daughters even from afar. She told me that they're receiving a lot of threats and that they don't want the two of you to be involved. But sadly, they were still able to get you. I did everything to rescue you. But the moment I arrived, you had already escaped. What I saw was your younger sister, Brina. I carried her out of that crappy place and gave her a proper burial before I burned the whole place." Vicky narrated.

                  "And there's also another one of us. He's Nathan. He didn't leave the academy. He became our ears there. That's why we were able to avoid his attacks at first. But there's no secrets that were left unknown to powerful people. Soon, Demethry found out that he's spying for us. Nathan then escaped and he succeeded. He started building a family. But who will know Demethry still holds grudges on him? I heard what happened to his family. The moment his wife and elder daughter were ambushed on their way here, I was also on my way. But I came late again. They're already dead. All I can do is to give them a proper burial at the town's cemetery." Vicky continued that made Nathanya's heart race like crazy.

                    "Nathan. He's my dad." she told Vicky. Again, tears rolled down Vicky's eyes, seeing her friends' children going the same way they took before. Then she glanced at Jade.

                    "What's your name?" she asked.

                     "Jade. Jade Natividad." Jade answered her. Vicky sobbed louder.

                     "Your dad's name must be Jace Natividad. My ex lover. Jade, I am your mother." Vicky suddenly revealed, bringing surprise to everyone.

                       "No way! Dad said my mom died while giving birth to me. There's no way you're my mom!" Jade yelled, not convinced by the revelation.

                        "It's because he tried to kill me. But I survived the blow. I loved him. But he didn't feel the same way. He just wanted to have a child. After I gave birth to you, he abducted you and tried to kill me, by feeding me the wrong medicine." Vicky explained, trying to convince the daughter she had not seen the moment she was born. After hearing the last part of Vicky's explanation, Jade suddenly remembered that his dad said her mom died while giving birth after being given the wrong medicine. Her eyes started to redden and tears followed. Vicky took the initiative to hug her and she hugged back.

                           "My daughter. My child." Vicky whispered as she cry.

                            "Mom! Finally!" Jade cried out. The three others were very happy for them but some conclusions were running around Taylor's head. When everyone was finally seated again, she started telling them what she thought.

                           "Both our parents and us came from Black Smith Academy. The tattoo you all have means you all came from the same clan. It means that the person who killed our families was one of the people who knows everything about them since he was able to locate everyone's location even though they were hiding. He's a person they all trusted.and Nathanya once told me that on his dad's death bed, he kept on whispering about an academy, the Black Smith Academy. She went there because she thought he wanted her to be there, but in reality, he wants her to avoid that academy for good." Taylor stated her analysis then she turned her gaze to Vicky.

                  "Tita Vicky, is there someone you trusted the most before but suddenly disappeared or stopped communicating to you?" she asked her. Vicky thought about the question for a moment before finally digging out someone's name from her memories.

                     "There's one. But we don't know his first name. He only introduced himself to us using his surname. Assuncion?" Vicky told them and their hearts raced.

                     "Ashton Assuncion! That explains the tattoo he had that's identical to this man's tattoo." Taylor exclaimed.

                          Too many things happened that day. Many secrets were revealed and they were finally able to bind all the ads from scratch. Now, all they have to do is to plan for their revenge and get the justice they all want to achieve. 

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