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            Nathanya immediately rushed to the supplies room and picked up the two packages even though she only asked for one. Then she ran as fast as she could to their car and put all the supplies in the car trunk. Then, she rushed to the area where she said she would pick up flowers and picked a dozen of red roses and another dozen of white one. Then she walked to their den, not yet noticing the blood on her hands because of the thorns. Her mind was wandering around so she couldn't feel pain. She's holding a total of twenty four flowers so she has no extra hands to open the door. She knocked using her left foot and seconds later, Lace opened the door for her.

             "Aiyah! Are you planning to open a flower shop? That's a bunch." She said and helped Nathanya in carrying them. Then she noticed the blood on Nathanya's hands.

             "Did you probably grab these roses straight on the stem using your bare hands?" She asked and Nathanya nodded.

             "Oh well congratulations for being stupid. Your blood is actually covering your hands now." She added and looked at Nathanya's hand. The latter immediately felt the pain and rushed to the bathroom to wash her hands. Taylor and Briana were in the kitchen and they saw her running to the bathroom. Taylor walked to the living room and saw Lace removing the thorns of the roses using a dagger.

            "What happened to her?" She asked, then took a seat.

            "Her stupid side showed up. She casually grabbed the stem of these flowers using her bare hands. I wonder if she's aware that they have thorns." Lace answered and shook her head, smiling and chuckling a little.

           "Dumbass!" Taylor muttered and walked to the first aid kit cabinet on the corner of the room. She took out some essentials in cleaning a wound and put them on the table. Meanwhile, Nathanya already came out of the bathroom and Briana saw her hands almost covered with wounds.

           "Nathanya?! What happened?! Who did this?! Tell me and I'll chop their hands!" Briana asked and checked on her wounds. Then she pulled her to the living room and saw the two looking at them.

          "Before you make a fuss, please be reminded that she injured herself. She grabbed these roses by their stem. Using bare hands." Lace told Briana and chuckled again. Nathanya is so embarrassed.

         "Sit down." Taylor told her and she did so. Then she started applying ointments and covered her hands using a bandage. Then, she drew a smiley on it, just like how Nathanya drew it when she dressed her wounds. Lace and Briana were speechless with how she acted.

         "Where did you learn that?" Lace asked and checked on the smiley.

         "From her." Taylor answered and pointed to Nathanya.

         Meanwhile, while Taylor is dressing her wounds, Nathanya has been thinking of a way to excuse herself and go home. Taylor's phone suddenly rang and she went to the kitchen to talk with the person who called her. When Taylor was away, Nathanya told the two about her plan. The two suddenly remembered that it was Taylor's birthday today. So they helped Nathanya think of a way to go home with Lace and prepare the house. When Taylor came back, Nathanya looked pale.

        "Are you okay?" She asked and touched her forehead to check if she had a fever.

         "It was maybe because of her wounds. How about I take her home? She'll be able to rest well there." Lace suggested and Briana showed her agreement.

          "Do what's best. But Briana, we have something to work on so you will come with me." Taylor answered and threw the car keys to Lace. "Use the car and drive safely. I'll ask Drake to drive us home later." She then gestured to Briana to follow her.

            After Taylor and Briana were gone, Lace and Nathanya went out and locked the door.

            "When did you ask for the supplies? I didn't even notice you do so." Lace asked her while they're on their way to the car.

            "It was when we reported to Mr. Demethry. I slipped a list on his table on the way out and I'm glad it arrived just in time." Nathanya answered.

           "And also, can we stop at the cake shop near the condo?" She asked and Lace agreed. They drove and stopped at the cake shop to pick up the cake that was ordered earlier.

           "You know what? You can be a party planner. Why don't you try it." Lace joked and chuckled.

           "My sister always organizes everything for my birthday. So I learned from her." Nathanya answered. When they reached the parking lot of the building, Lace went to get the supplies and saw that there were two packages.

            "Did you ask for two?" She asked and Nathanya shook her head.

           "Maybe someone remembered her birthday too and sent a gift?" Nathanya said and Lace found it makes sense. They walked to their condo and put all the supplies down. They immediately started cleaning and decorated the whole area. Nathanya put some helium to the balloons so they floated.

            It took them almost two hours to assemble everything. It was already six pm when they finally finished. Nathanya was so tired and she's sweaty.

            "I've called Drake, Trix and Callix. They said they'll come. Callix is on her way now. Drake and Trix will wait for Taylor and Briana." Lace said. Nathanya was too tired to respond so she just nodded.

             Minutes later, the doorbell rang. Callix arrived first.

            "Wow!" She exclaimed after seeing the decorations inside.

            "Plan for my birthday too, will you? It will be on September 27 next year." She said, Lace smiled while Nathanya was still tired.

            "I'm all sweaty. I'll take a bath now." Nathanya then stood up, went to the bathroom and slammed the door.

             "They both have the hobby of slamming the door, aren't they?" Callix pointed out. Lace's phone rang. Drake is calling her.

             "Hello? We're on our way." He said.

             "Okay. Drive safely." She answered then hung up.

             "Nathanya, don't take too much time. They're on their way home." Lace then told Nathanya. Nathanya then quickly finished cleaning herself then dressed up. A little while later, they heard Drake's car.

             "Okay they're here. Hold the cake now Nathanya." Callix excitedly announced. Nathanya did what she was told and the three waited for the door to open.

              "SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" they all exclaimed when Taylor finally came in. Nathanya walked towards her, holding the cake.

              "Happy birthday Ate Venice." She said then smiled, causing Taylor's ears to turn red. 

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