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              Briana, Jade and Vicky immediately followed Nathanya towards the place of Taylor. They saw her all covered in blood while hugging and protecting someone. It was Leysie. It happened that the child lost consciousness because of the way she was tossed out of the window and Taylor got no other choice but to use her own body as her shield.

           "Go carry her!" Vicky ordered and all the men in black followed. They carried Taylor first then carried Leysie too. They immediately ran to where all the cars were parked. Briana drove the car where Taylor was taken. Nathanya was holding Taylor on her lap, tears rolling down her cheeks.

             "Why are... you crying silly?" Taylor asked and brushed the tears on Nathanya's cheeks.

               "Please... Ate Venice...hold on... don't... don't leave me alone. I... I can't." Nathanya pleaded and Taylor laughed, for the first time.

               "Who told you I will leave you alone? I'll leave you to Briana and Jade's care." Taylor answered and continued wiping her tears.

               "Please... don't talk like that. Please." Nathanya begs, crying out every tear she has. Taylor didn't respond, she instead looked at Vicky to ask something.

              "Is Leysie okay? Please... tell her I am very sorry for killing her father." Taylor said but Vicky shook her head.

                "You don't have to say sorry about that. Leysie is not Demethry's daughter. I just said that to fool him. So please. Hold on and... stay with us. I have lost your parents. I can't take to lose you anymore." Vicky said, caressing the now bloody hands of Taylor.

              "Life has been hard for me. I learned how to fight but I never thought about quitting. Now that everything is settled, maybe I can consider it." Taylor said that made Nathanya to cry mre. Briana was also crying and manages her best to drive fast to save the person who treated her as a sister, even though in secret. She had lost Lace. she can't take losing Taylor too. She had suffered enough that she doesn't want to feel the pain again.

              "Stop the car." Taylor ordered but Briana didn't listened.

               "Listen to me! Stop the car." Taylor repeated but again, Briana didn't listened.

                "As your leader, I order you to stop this car." Taylor said once again and Briana finally had enough of it. She didn't stopped driving but shouted back at her for the first time.

                  "No! You listen to me! I have lost too much! I can't take anymore pain! So please! Stop telling me to stop because I will never follow! Please! Listen to me! At least just this once!" Briana yelled while trying her best not to choke because of the tears.

                "Please. Ate Venice. Don't be like this." Nathanya once again begged.

                "It has been tough for you all too." Taylor started.

                 "After this, I want you to live a normal life. Forget everything. Stay in the province. Bury all the weapons we have used together with the hatred and pain. Forget about Black Smith Academy. Forget about revenge and live a good life. In that way, I will leave in peace." she added and Nathanya cried more.

               "I want to be buried next to Lace. and when your time comes, join us there." she added again and this time, Nathanya got the courage to scold her.

               "Why are you talking like that?! Stay with us and fight." Nathanya said and Taylor smiled while wiping the tears on Nathanya's cheeks.

               "In this life, you can't tell a person to keep on fighting when quitting is more comforting. Learn to let them go and rest." Taylor told her.

               "It's just a shame that I will die after being able to define happiness again." she added and finally let her tears roll down. She then signaled for Nathanya to bend down. The latter did so and Taylor kissed her and whispered, "I love you."

               "The time has come. I can finally be reunited with my family. Now, I want you to bury the BLADE." Taylor finally said before letting her soul rest. She peacefully closed her eyes and her heartbeat and breathing stopped. Nathanya was frozen like a statue and tears started rolling down her face again. Briana saw it too and she finally stopped driving and cried out loud, not even controlling the noise she's making. She lost someone again and the pain this time is really unbearable.

               "Ate Venice. Come on, wake up! Don't prank me like this. Please. Wake up." Nathanya cries and shakes Taylor. Jade was also crying now and so was Vicky.

               "I will not be weak anymore. I will be strong and will never be a burden for you. I will learn how to cook and will wake up early to prepare your food. I will not act like a child. Just please. Open your eyes and tell me you'll stay. Please." Nathanya continued and Vicky and couldn't take it anymore. Since she's sitting next to Nathanya and Taylor, she hugged Nathanya.

                 "Tita Vicky. Please. Help me convince her." Nathanya asked Vicky and the latter just cried more.

                "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Vicky said, not even knowing why she's saying sorry.

                  The clouds outside started to darken then thunder and lightning followed, as if they were also mourning for Taylor's death. The wind blew strong as if trying to dry off the tears that were coming out of their eyes. The weather became one with them, as if it is telling them that they're not alone. 

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