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          "A devil like you will never have an angel child like me!" Leysie confidently shouted. She got some point though but Demethry didn't say anything.

            "Come here my dear. Don't be fooled by them. They are killers!" He tried scaring Leysie but the child just rolled her eyes before mockingly answering her "father".

             "Then do you call yourself a savior?! You are the reason why they became like this, so if there's someone who's more horrible than them, it must be you! And don't call me "my dear". It gives me goosebumps and I might have nightmares at night!" Leysie answered, confusing Taylor and Briana. Is this child really a child? Demethry had lost it so he decided to just let the child be on Taylor's side. He then pressed something, and the door burst open, revealing the men of Demethry that were just waiting for his signal.

              "You must have lost your minds for digging your own grave." Demethry said and laughed loud. His men then started attacking the two. Briana had managed to push Leysie under the table. Sensing that it was much safer there, Leysie stayed there and didn't come out. She crouched on one corner and covered her ears. Briana's arrows never missed a single target and Taylor's twin katanas didn't missed the heads they wanted to cut. A pool of blood started forming as Demethry's men were falling one by one, either beheaded by Taylor's katanas or poisoned by Briana's arrows. Demethry started to panic so he pressed more hidden buttons and more of his men came to his rescue.

             On the other hand, Nathanya was finally free from the rope. It took her minutes to undo the tie. She then started running inside the academy when someone pulled her.

             "Why are you running around like that?!" Jade asked. Behind her were men wearing all black that were so black you will not notice them if they'll not move.

             "Why are you here? Where are Briana and Taylor?" Vicky asked, who was also there.

             "She knocked me out and tied me, leaving me inside the car." Nathanya informed them, and they all nodded in unison.

             "I would do the same if I was in her situation." Jade said so Nathanya looked at her.

            "What was that supposed to mean?!" Nathanya asked but Jade did not answered her. Instead, she gave instructions to the men behind her before turning back to Nathanya.

             "If you want to help, be sure not to be a burden." she reminded Nathanya before running towards the place where bullet sounds can be heard. Nathanya just followed them, casually grabbing something that she thinks can protect her.

              Jade's team joined the fight and immediately killed almost half of Demethry's men. Some of the members of Brawlers and Blakes joined the alliance so defeating Demethry became an easy task. Demethry then looked for an opportunity to escape. He took the opportunity while Taylor and Briana were busy killing his men that were approaching them but he failed.

              "One move and I'll have your head." Taylor warned her and aimed her twin katanas on Demethry's neck. She then grabbed him and threw him on the wall. She suddenly became strong because of the anger that she finally was able to release.

               "All these years. We've let you use us!" she shouted and slashed Demethry's right leg and he cried because of pain. Jade's team finally reached the location they were in and saw the raging Taylor torturing the man that caused all of their pain and suffering. Leysie was still hiding under the table and she saw something colored red that was blinking when she looked up.

               Briana was not also able to calm herself down and she let anger reign her. She had lost many valuable lives. She lost her family. She lost Lace. She picked up a random gun and loaded it. She then started firing on the wound that was caused by Taylor, emptying the bullets in its magazine. Demethry was going crazy because of pain but he's still not giving up, unlike Ashton who chose to kill himself rather than suffer anymore further.

                Taylor swayed Raven and gave Demethry twenty deep cuts.

               "These cuts were for my mom, my dad, and my two brothers." she said then added twenty more.

               "These are for Lace, and her family." she again slashed him twenty times.

                "These are for Drake, Liam and Lalaine." and once again, slashed him twenty times more.

                 "These are for Trix and Callix." and added twenty more but she didn't say who those cuts were for. Demethry was now covered with blood and is barely recognisable. Briana's vision was now blurred because of the tears that were blocking them. Nathanya hid behind Jade, scared of the scenario in front of her.

                 To their surprise, Demethry suddenly laughed.

                  "Do you think you'll win against me, at least once? Then you have thought wrong." he said and laughed, as if he's not enduring one hundred deep cuts and other injuries. Everyone looked around when Leysie suddenly came out of where she was hiding.

                  "Ate Taylor! There's something blinking here." she said and pointed at the thing she saw under. Taylor immediately approached her and saw what she's pointing at. It's a bomb. She immediately pulled Leysie out of that place.

                  "Clever girl. But that's not the only one. This room is filled with them." Demethry informed them and continued laughing.

                   "Let's explode together!" he added and laughed louder. He then pressed something and the timers on the bombs started counting down.

                   "15...14...13...12...11..." he started counting. Everyone panicked by how quick the time was set. They immediately looked for the exits. Taylor literally tossed Leysie out of the window since it's much quicker there.

                   "10...09...08...07...06" Demethry continued counting and in a glimpse, everyone was gone, leaving only him.

                   "I guess my ending has come,'' he said then smiled bitterly. She closed his eyes and waited impatient for the bomb to explode.

                   A large explosion then followed the countdown, leaving no traces behind.

                 "Ate Venice!" Nathanya shouted and ran towards Taylor, who was now bloody and almost... breathless. 

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