Part 7

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CHAPTER 7: Earning The Parker Name


When I stepped off Dad's company jet and was driven straight to the Parker's main building, I wasn't certain how this could go down. For years, I knew this day would come, but I procrastinated the need to worry or actually gain a nervous streak down my spine at the thought of possibly taking over such an incredibly astonishing and yet complicated business.

For years, I had asked Mom the stories behind the rumours involved around the business. What happened between the Parker-Myers name, why was it that the name Creed wasn't a public affiliation, or an emergence of any sort. When the doors opened to the building in front of me, the scorching, elegant building with the Parker's logo and designs on the front had me pausing, without halting in my steps.

Rodgers took me through the VIP sectioning of security, before we took Mom's private elevator up to the top and just as the doors open, my heart drops in my chest as Mom and Dad shakes the hands of multiple clients looking for company affiliation with ours.

I move inside and slide my bag on one of the couches, taking a slow seat on the grey leather in front of the glass window with a view of Vancouver. The city was more than beautiful, but I was just looking at one city as I stand from the couch and stare out at one city, from one building, while Mom had districts across the world.

I hear the doors opening, the footfalls of the clients moving away as I feel two pairs of certain eyes that were watching me closely. I don't move as I stare out, "Is this what I think it is? Some initiation Grandma told me about when she handed district by district to you, Mom?" I ask, quietly.

"Adeline, you're eighteen now. We're just opening up options, sweetheart and the possibility of you perhaps running a couple of your own now, if you want. Or we can wait until the end of the year after I've gone through a few concepts with you, but Honey, when I was your age, I really wanted to run at least some parts of the company and right now, you have two different enterprises to choose from." Mom says slowly from the long black business table her and Dad stood watching.

I turn slowly, Mom's eyes were softened, whereas Dad's was always cold, hard to read, but when he spoke it was different, more caressing I guess. I turn away from his scrutinising silver irises that were identical to mine. The only true traits I inherited from my Mother was my freckles, my short, thin frame. Both of my parents' skin was pale and so was mine, half the time I'd look in the mirror and wonder if I were a ghost of sorts.

Rodgers, Benson and Adrian stood at the doors, stoically.

My Dad noticed me looking at them, "You're angry because I sent Rodgers to collect you from your date?" Dad murmurs, folding his arms.

I look at him, "It wasn't a date, and most Father's, normal Father's wouldn't have collected their daughters by the use of guards that might as well have thrown me over their shoulders in front of all my friends, to bring me here, Dad." I say, sarcastically.

He blinks, and raises an eyebrow, "Adeline, you're not taking this seriously and as tradition, first born at the age of eighteen must decide their futures in the businesses inherited between families, if they choose to work in the same fields. This is a discussion, not a dictatorship of order. We are not ordering you to decide now, but we do need to talk to you about it. Your subjects at school do correlate with this criteria, little lemon." He explains, Mom sighs in defeat, curling her arms around Dad's torso.

I look at both of them, "Is this because of Desmond acting out about wanting to work under Dad's rule? Claiming I'm a useless party girl made for just sneaking out of the house despite the number of cameras and guards that keep escalating because you two are never home anymore?" I ask, lowly.

Adie's Loyal Love #3Where stories live. Discover now