Part 30

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CHAPTER 30: One Riveting Raid

Nora's been loyal, she use to work with me through thick and thin, study lessons, her and I work differently to how I work with Amber. Nora's serious, she's a good study partner but lousy when it comes to going shopping, getting loose, actually having fun. When she is at parties, she's basically always sticking to the pack, loyal to me, and loyal to Olsen to a fault. She believes Cassandra has the capability, the motive and the money to create every game, write every dare and somehow still have manicured nails along the way, whilst running a cheer squad. Cassandra could be fooling everyone, or Nora could be. That's where I'm wary, she knows enough to remain unsuspicious, but not everything to get every detail and use that against me.

I wait by my car, filing my nails when she runs straight across the parking lot, I look up to her, "What happened?" I ask her, her hair was damp and she looked rushed, flustered, annoyed, her make-up freshly done and she basically stood out with 'no one look at me unless you want a shiner' expression.

"Nothing, just that friend of yours, short-ginger, a little shit? They pulled a prank on me in gym." She growls in annoyance while I open the boot of my car so that she can slide her bags in, she closes my boot for me while I stare up at the Academy.

"Well, I'm sorry about that...are we heading down to the creepy basements or your place for work?" I ask her, folding my arms.

She moves to the passenger side, "My place. I seriously need a break after today." She grumbles, I unlock the car, catching sight of certain individuals hiding behind a set of windows, only flying my eyes over it, as if not seeing it. I step in and the door lowers in next to me. Reversing out swiftly, I change gears, my sports car thrumming at the action. Nora stares at me in the passenger side. I gesture for her to type in the fastest route to her parents estate. She sighs and leans back, typing it in.

"Do you want to get a drink first?" She asks me.

"I need to get through the footage, see if we can find anything on who's doing this and why. These games, while they are similar to that of Queen City High, there's something about this that just doesn't add up. Plus, this Friday we need to look into how we're going to get to this academy. It's a good three hours out of the way." I tell her, furrowing my eyebrows and pulling up to her estate. Which honestly looked dark and dreary, gargoyles on the fence gates, vines climbing the grey brick walls, but the girl had a lot of money, just through her parents and her 'on the side' partial modelling career. I park in front of the place and glide out, grabbing my bag.

She grabs hers from the boot and we move up the steps, she slides her code in, staring at me with a masked expression, "What is it?"

I blink, staring to her, "Is it just me or did your property just get scary?" I ask her, chuckling under my breath, she looks amused, dropping an arm around my shoulder as we step in, the place still looked dark, however she moves us both forward, dropping her bag down in front of the kitchen. I open her fridge and look through the contents.

"I'll make us hot chocolate or something." She says behind me, hand brushing my back, while I reach forward, looking through the sodas, before shrugging and moving to grab my laptop, bending down, I slide it out of my bag.

"So, I'll run an analysis...Ah, are you alright?" She's blushing by the kitchen island.

She stares at me, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine, just flustered from school. Look, I'll finish these, but I just quickly need to blow dry my hair, this dampness is giving me shivers." She tells me.

I shrug at her, "Well, to be fair, you had shivers this morning and your hair wasn't damp, definitely check your temperature just in case. You do seem a little heated, good lord, Nora, are you coming down with something?" I ask her, surprised. No wonder she's so on edge about stuff, she must have a cold or the flu or something. Oh shit, I did not want to catch that.

Adie's Loyal Love #3Where stories live. Discover now