Chapter Five ♚ Moving Game Pieces

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AN: Blake's outfit is the same as the last chapter.

Also, hi :} Sorry it's been so long.

Thea Salvatore, Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner were all ready to leave Jack Sparrow behind at his idiotic plan to rescue Blake Hopper

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Thea Salvatore, Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner were all ready to leave Jack Sparrow behind at his idiotic plan to rescue Blake Hopper.

Especially the siren Captain.

Her jaw was visibly tensed as Joshamme Gibbs had a line of poor souls that called themselves pirates stand in front of them, all ready to set sail with the infamous Jack Sparrow- for a price, of course.

"Feast your eyes, Captain," Gibbs told Jack, gesturing to the men that stood tall with grime and dirt under their nails, "All of them, faithful hands before the mast. Every man worth his salt and crazy to boot."

Thea shook her head, arms crossed from beside Elizabeth, who stood between the female Captain and Will Turner.

She grumbled, "I do not see how this plan will work. Your cousin is most likely dead by this point if she is on the Black Pearl as you say."

"She is not," Elizabeth gaped, shaking her head as her lip curled back in fear, "Please, do not say such things. I cannot bear the thought."

Will's jaw tightened, looking forward as he said, "Miss Hopper is too stubborn to die at the hand of a pirate. Believe me, I know her better than any."

Thea smirked, head turning to the man as she finally looked past Elizabeth, "Ah, so the chocolate brown-eyed man is in love. How sweet. Tell me, charmer, have you ravished her in the midst of your training sessions?"

Will turned a bright red and Thea chuckled proudly, turning back to the line-up of men, saying, "I would have. Even her name is alluring; delicious."

"May we please get back to the task at hand?" Elizabeth huffed, shaking her head as her voice lowered, "God, pirates only think about one thing."

Thea's smirk reached her ears as she moved behind Elizabeth, hands finding her shoulders when she bent down and allowed her lips to dance against the woman's ear.

"Don't think that I cannot smell the lust off your sweet skin, cheri," She whispered, Elizabeth closing her eyes lightly as Thea's siren song echoed through her ears, "I am a siren, after all. Every part of me draws you in, Miss Swann. Choose your words more kindly, or you will be dessert."

Elizabeth shivered in both fear and fervor, Thea simply laughing darkly in her ear before stepping back to her original place to watch the men, who were speaking with Jack and Joshamee.

"What's the benefit for us?" A new voice asked, both Thea and Jack turning at the sound of it.

Jack slowly stepped over to the pirate that had voiced their question, Thea following curiously prompting Elizabeth and Will to do the same. The pigheaded Captain took the pirate's hat off that covered their face to reveal a woman, Thea scoffing lightly in amusement.

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