Family Ties

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Neither Pana nor Kallik mentioned the day Kallik lost her mind, in the few days after that.
But Pana knew that things would change soon. A messinger hawk had come and the courrage to tell Kallik had completely vanished.
"Pana, can you go to the market tomorrow for me, please? Kana needs my help, so I can't go."
Pana nodded: "What about Kallik, I can ask her for the market, but I don't know about tomorrow evening"
"Won't she want to join? I bet she'll like them"
Pana didn't know what to expect, Kallik didn't seem like the type to enjoy a lively party. He was concerned she might not be able to enjoy it. She was strict and cold, not really the life of a party. And after that party she might even be gone.
"So, how are you? Have you heard from someone yet? Or are you deciding to become a permanent member of our tribe?", Pana joked.
Azula was simply disguested by that idea. Live here, with these peasants? With people who think ice is nice.
"I can tell you love that idea", Pana continiued. "Maybe you will love the festival of the turning tides even more now! I can tell you really want to enjoy the festivities of the North Pole during its coldest season"
Kallik laught a little. It wasn't much, just exhaling out of her nose. She hated the cold. The warm summersun she had taken for granted, the energy she felt just from feeling its fire... but now she was cold and the sun was rarely seen in the hell hole they called the North Pole.
"You will never learn how to shut up, will you?", Kallik asked.
Pana laught: "Only at night do I provide this service for you, my lady."
As espected from a crowded market, some heads turnedwhen they heard that sentence. Pana's cheeks turned red, for this was not at all what he meant.
A high pitched Pana tried to continue on as if nothing had happend: "So ehm... how are your folks at home?"
Kalliks face went back to stone cold unreadable. And it was only then he realized, she had been smiling in her own way. Sort of, anyways.
"My home was destroyed", Kallik responded.
Pana looked horrified.
"Don't worry, I will conquer a new one"
Pana was confused, as this was not a reply he'd ever expected. "Well, if you want, I can make some icecubes for the celebration", Pana replied.
Azula had actually been very satified with this reply. At least he didn't run away like a coward. Or doubted she could do it.
And Pana knew very well that the girl he looked at, could conquer the world by herself.
"I'm asking because... well, since the winter is coming, my brother will be home. The one with the ship. If you want, he might be able to get you back to the mainland before winter?"
Azula was tempted, but she didn't know if she could go back. She couldn't very well ask his brother to drop her off at the firenation and she knew nothing of the ports she could travel to, let alone if it meant she would be stranded in the earthkingdom.
It would be warmer, but not better.
She could already feel the dreadful boringness of the earthkingdom. It was all dolls and fancy hairstyles, no substance, nothing worth her time. At least on the North Pole there were spirit fish she had yet to find. And the moron that was standing next to her was there too. She might be able to sway favour against Zuko over here.
It was weird how she found her new life purpose, but little Zuzu was a weak leader. And the faster he'd realize that, the faster she could get her life on track. He would choose her as his right hand, he had to if he knew what would be good for the firenation.
And then she could take her rightful place on the throne. Accidents do happen.
"But you know, you can always stay. I mean, it has been great with you around. We appreciate the help, but if you really got to go, I can't stop you", Pana went on.
"It almost sounds like you'll miss me", Azula said. Though, it was more like spitting words. She had never really cared about missing people. Frankly said, she didn't miss anyone. Ever.
But Tai Lee used to use that phrase a lot. Even some underlings said they missed her presence in the warroom. Azula had always been someone capable, and it showed in how she was missed. But she never expected to ever hear a heartfelt 'I miss you'.
"Of course I would... mom too! The house would feel empty and who else is going to work me to the bone? Not to forget how you make everything more efficient and the way you... and I am not the only one who would! I mean Ahnah even asked if you wanted to join the family dinner.", Pana rambled as his cheeks reddened.
Pana's words were sincere. And Azula never expected to actually feel something because of it. She couldn't name the feeling, nor did she want to think about it any longer. It made her weak.
"What family dinner?"
Pana cursed under his breath. He eventually forgot. His brother would never.
"Oh... yeah... so my brother will come tonight. That's why we need the groceries... I forgot to tell you that, didn't I?"
Kallik just looked at Pana. He didn't know whether she was processing what he just said or thinking about leaving.
"I mean, we can always make up an excuse! If you feel uncomfortable. But you'll really love my brother! He is very talented and has a much netter work ethic then me. You'll love-"
Pana momentarily shut up because Azula had punched him in his stomach with her elbow. "I chose you. That is a high honour. Don't insult me by insulting yourself", Kallik sneered.
"See, when you're gone, no one will have the guts to hit me with reality. Sometime I feel like you're the only one who truly cares"
Azula was taken aback. She? Caring? For him, nonetheless? It sounded ridiculous!But she didn't deny it, not outloud. It would crush his soul. Not that she cared... but... it felt unnecessary in that moment.
"I will go to that family thing if it means you'll shut up.", Kallik said.
A wide smile rand across Pana's face.
He knew he still had her for at least a few days.
Maybe he could persuade her into staying. Just for a little while more. Because he wasn't ready to say his goodbyes.

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