Extended Family

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"Panaaaaaaa!", Yura yelled while nearly choking Pana in a very tight hug, "Good to see you, my little brother!"
Pana was bearly reaching Yura's bicep. He could rarely believe they where brothers sometimes. "Look at this! You've finally got some meat on you! I though you weren't the fighting type, but look at you! Maybe master Pakku will change his mind about teaching you, or is he finally teaching my little bro?"
Pana was just radiating happiness, because his brother noticed his muscles. The training with Kallik did pay off and it was worth all the bruises. Not that bruises mattered, since water allowed healing. "I still can't bend"
Even Kallik didn't speak about bending anymore since that one night. They did continue the normal training.
Yura's face went dark. He never knew what to say about the accident. "No worries, bender or nonbender, you are still a worthy warrior!"
Pana smiled.
But then Yura's eyes fell on Kallik and he was confused. "Is she a friend of yours?"
Then Ahnah slaped the back of Yura's head; she needed to stand on her toes for that though. "You would have know if you'd listen to me. Why is it that Toklo has more manners then you?"
And then Toklo came in. He was a crewmember on Yura's ship, and that made him part of the family. But strangely there were no other crewmembers that were going to be present.
"Welcome to our house, Toklo", said Pana politely, "hope our Yura didn't give you too much trouble"
Toklo was a little bit bigger then Yura was. And Yura always treated him like a rival because of it. Meaning: he had the tendency to prove himself more mighty. Translation: Yura caused a ruckus and dragged poor, well mannered Toklo with him.
During the boy to manhood ritual of sailing your boat, everyone thought their boat was doomed. They had to steer the same boat, making everyone guess who will yield. Because they were both excellent leaders, but only in a vast different way. But it was crucial to only have one leader to lead the ship. Clear orders are what keeps you from sinking.
So on their boat, everyone expected to hear yelling, screaming, even a fistfight wasn't out of the question.
But none of that happend.
The moment they got on their ship, Yura said: "There is only one leader and I will follow his every order"
Yura actually was in awe of his rival. And every time he picked a fight or wanted to prove himself, Toklo would gladly go along with his whims. It was a good friendschip based on mutual respect. And their team was the first to arrive safely. Ironically, it wasn't Yura who got the leader marking, but Toklo, but it is Yura who is the captain on their ship now.
Their epic story of the rite was one Pana's rite could not top. He did not have an epic rivalry, nor was he the first ashore. No one could even recall what Pana's mark was... it just paled in comparison.
"This is Kallik, she just joined our family, she was wearing southern robes in the port, so we had to take care of her", Pana said.
Kallik looked Yura right in his eyes, unafraid, as to establish dominance. "I took the wrong ship and ended up here.", she said coolly. She made no effort to sake hands, bow or even hug.
Yura just looked at her, not knowing what to expect. He never expected someone like little Pana to have a friend like Kallik. Toklo on the other hand, immediately took a liking to her.
"Don't worry, you'll get used to this lunatic", Toklo laught pointing to his crewmate, "Nice to meet you, Kallik, I am Toklo"
Kallik smirked.
When they started to eat the especially made stewed seaprumes, Azula was absolutely disguested by the taste of it all. Watertribe food was never good, but this was even worse then normal. "So where are you from, Kallik?", Yura asked. "I am from an island close to the firenation, way down south.", Azula lied.
The mood turned bleak.
"You must be glad the war is over.", Toklo said. Kalliks eyes shot up from her plate to Toklo's. "Yes, however, I tried to move somewhere else in fear firelord Zuko might change his mind", Kallik continiued.
"Rightfully so, i don't trust him one bit.", Pana said. "It is true that the attact on the north pole was not so long ago, how can we trust someone from that psycho family. I heard his sister is even crazier", Yura added.
"At least she planned the siege of Ba Sing Se, showing her cunningness. Even the Dalai Lee respected her, what has firelord Zuko done to prove his worth?", Kallik smiled. "You're right, he was hunting the avatar for years, I heard, even a disgraced prince and suddenly we need to trust his word?", Yura said.
"The avatar seems to trust him", Toklo tried to reason, but it had no use.
"The avatar is barely a teenager", Yura countered. "And he let the moonspirit die.", Pana sneered.
And everyone went silent.
Ahnah was just listening, but not sure what her stance should be on this matter. "Well, it's a good thing we are unshattered. Even if the firenation tried, they cannot win against us", Ahnah tried.
"Unless they try it again. They know where to find her", Pana's voice was bitter, "How am I the only one concerned for its safety!?"
Pana was truly angry.
And no one knew what to do, because Pana rarely got angry. Azula on the other hand knew exacly what she wanted to know: the North Pole was easy to persuade concerning the firenation. And even more surprisingly: Pana knew more about the spirits the book was talking about. But he would be suspicious, especially to an outsider asking questions.
"But luckily, we don't have to worry about that now, since word will spread quickly and the first strategic poing to conquer would not be the North Pole. And you would know, you're sailors", Kallik said.
And the mood was suddenly lighter.
So the dinner continued. But afterwards, Pana went out for a fresh breath. The spirits were always on his mind, eversince the siege. "Hey little bro. Everything alright?", Yura asked.
"Yeah, I am glad you're back, I've missed you", Pana answerd.
"There is no but, I really am glad to have you back"
"Pana, who do you think you're fooling?"
Pana laught a little. "Okay, I might be worried about Kallik possibly leaving"
Yura smiled. "No worries, I won't set sail anytime soon, stop worrying, she doesn't really plan on leaving, at least not yet. Otherwise she would have asked things like when and where I'm sailing to next."
Pana sights relieved. "Yeah that's true, but I thought you wanted to sail forever, what makes you stay?"
"I missed my family"
"I thought it would be nice to marry here"
"You know you need a fiance for that right?"
Yura didn't respond, but the answer was clear: he ready found one.
"No way, since when? Who is it? Does mom know? Doe-"
Yura covered Pana's mouth and sushed him. "You're the first one I told, but keep it down"
Pana nodded, thrilled, while Yura slowly uncovered his mouth. "So, who's the lucky lady?"
"Well... about that... it might not be... like that"
"What do you mea-oh... ow, is that why Toklo is here? Is he your-"
"I said shush! Don't wake everyone up, stop schreaming"
Pana looked his brother in the eye. He never expected him to get married. And nit just to anyone, but his biggest self proclaimed rival at that.
"That's why I haven't told anyone yet, I don't know how they will react. And we're scared to find out, but I thought I had to let my baby bro know, you know"
Pana was happy his brother entrusted him this little secret. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone"
Yura sighed.
"I am really scared of his parents, you know. They are more higher-up and weren't exacly glad when he refused to engage. He could avoid it when we were at sea, but this will be something else entirely"
Pana smiled: "And I thought the worst thing you ever made him do was that scetchy deal with some pirate, but this is on whole other level."-Yura smirked, remembering that wild ride-"But don't worry, I mean, you guys are like legends here, it will just add to the legend. And Ahnah won't care. So even if his parents will make a fuss, what can they do? I mean really"
Yura felt relieved. He was glad his brother was this levelheaded. And he completely washed all his concerns away.
"I am going to marry Toklo"
"Yes, yes you are, congratulations my big brother"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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