{Realizations} (10)

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~Max pov~

*Max slowly starts to open his eye*

Max thoughts- Ow my head is killing me.. And why is it so warm?

*Max fully opens his eyes*

Max thoughts- Oh shit wear the hell am I?!..... Okay Max breath

*Max realizes Ace laying there still asleep*

Max thoughts- Oh shit did we-?..

*Max looks under the covers*

Max thoughts- Well we're both naked so I'm going to take that as a yes we did.. Oh no what if I'm pregnant! No no Max calm down you take hormone blockers and you're on birth control.. Yeah It's fine.. But just in case I should have one of the girls get me a test. Yeah that will work.

*While Max is having his freak out Ace is slowly waking up*  

Ace- "Son of a bitch! my head..."

Max thoughts- Don't say anything don't say anything don't say anything

*Ace opens his eyes and sees the shirt less guy in his bed*

Ace- "Oh shit.. Did we-"

Max- "I think so But I don't know.."

Ace- "Well I'm glad my first time was with you"

*He said leaving the room to get dressed*

*Max turns bright red*

*when Ace comes back out Max has changed into some of ace's clothes*

Max- "Oh I hope you don't mind"

Ace- "No no it's fine.. You know it's cute when you get flustered"

*Ace said with a smile*

Max- "Okay thanks!"

*Ace walks over to Max*

Max- "Oh hi-"

*ace cuts him off and kisses him*

Ace- "Sorry making sure you're not just my imagination"

Max- "I think you might have to check again"

*max said right before kissing the other boy*

*Ace puts his arms around Max neck pulling the boy down slightly then Max picks him up and walked over to the bed before setting him down*

*Ace pulled the other boy down to kiss him*

Max- "still think I'm your imagination?"

Ace- "Not sure"

*he said laughing before kissing the boy once more*

*after they made out which felt like hours of joy for the boys*

Max- "Shit! Give me a second"

*Max picked up his phone and called Serenity*

Serenity- "Hey what's up?"

Max- "Hey Serenity can you go to my house and check on Alex for me?"

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