{A new beginning for all} (14)

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~TreaZure's pov~

*After meeting at the gas station walking to Max's house*

TreaZure- "hey max.."

Max- "Yeah?"

Serenity- "I'm sorry are you not felling okay because last time I cheeked you couldn't dress like that around your mother"

Max- "She's out somewhere she'll be back but not today.."

TreaZure- "Oh I'm sorry"

Max- "It's okay because I Kind of need your  help moving"

TreaZure- "Wait you're moving?!?!"

Max- "Yeah I already pay for that house by myself and I'm done supporting my mother and I'm Taking Alex and we are moving"

Serenity- "Were are you moving too??"

Max- "The same apartments you live in because it's close to the elementary and high school"

TreaZure- "Cool!"

Max- "Hey so if you ever need a place to stay I'm here for you.. And that goes for the both of you"

Serenity- "Thanks stoner.."

*TreaZure hugs Max tight of the verge of tears*

Max- "I don't need to know why I just want to help"

TreaZure- "Thank you..."

*when they get to Max's soon to be former house*

Alex- "Sissy- oh wait no.. Bubby!"

*Alex runs up and hugs Max*

*Serenity and TreaZure stand there confused*

Max- "Chill he's new to it but I explained that I'm his brother not sister mother just wanted me to be his sister"

Serenity- "That's nice and I bet you love being his big brother"

Max- "It's Great to hear him call me his brother"

TreaZure- "You're so big Alex!"

Max- "hey Pinkie pie want to help Alex and I'll have Serenity help me"

TreaZure- "sure"

Serenity- "Fie but you're getting those sheets out of there and in the wash before we leave"

*TreaZure and Alex go to his room and Max goes to his room and stripes the bed and takes them to the washer*

Max- "There now you can come in"

Serenity- "Thank you stoner"

*Max rolls his eyes and follows her in there to start boxing stuff up*

Serenity- "There's less dresses in here"

Max- "I sold some but kept a few for you and pinkie pie when y'all come over unannounced"

Serenity- "Aw that's sweet stoner"

Max- "Whatever I'm going to box some stuff up in the bathroom"

Serenity- "Whatever stoner"

*A while later*

Max- "Okay Alex is everything boxed up?"

Alex- "Yep!"

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