By an inch

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"I'm sorry to barge in here like this" doctor Westine started to say but was interrupted by a very distraught Khole running into the waiting room.

"Please tell me he is okay" she cried.

"I take it you're all family of Mr. Stone?" Doctor Westine asked.

"Yes, " his mother replied. "How's my son doing?" she asked.

"After hours of surgery, we finally got out the bullets. He had one in his chest, it missed his heart by an inch. There was another in his right arm and one in his stomach. He has a fractured rib and a broken arm, he will be in a lot of pain when he awakes."

London held me as I cried in his chest, I felt so bad because I should be the one comforting him. It was his friend, after all, I looked up at my beautiful man and saw tears welling in his eyes but he didn't allow it to fall. When I was sure London was ok, I turned my attention to Khole.

"Hey girl," I bumped her shoulder and she sniffed and wiped away her tears. "Bri, I was sleeping, he asked me to go with him and I told him no because I hated how all the females in the club were always staring at me as if they hated me. His reputation there was crazy and I wanted no part in it, but I should've gone because then none of this would've happened" she cried and I hugged her.

"It's not your fault Khole, " I told her and held her as she cried. I had no idea Khole and Tyrese had gotten so close and it makes me want to smile but now wasn't the time.

Tyrese's parents got to go into the room to see him and they allowed London to go with them. It was just Khole, Anna-Reese, and myself sitting in the waiting room. Anna was on one side of the room and we were on the other side, I could feel the tension in the room. It seems Khole and Anna didn't get along either.

Anna approached us and we both looked up at her. "Brielle and Khole, I'm sorry for giving you both a hard time." I thought she was finished so I was about to tell her I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth but she continued.

"Please let me finish Brielle, I've been so jealous of you, all through high school and even now. I know I've said this before but it's the truth. I wanted everything that you had but no one noticed me or cared for me. I only had London as a friend and eventually, I started having a crush on him. I thought I loved him more than just a friend but I was wrong. I only wanted him that way because he kept crushing on you. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you Brielle, congratulations on your engagement and your pregnancy. You've been making London very happy and again I'm sorry I tried to ruin that" I wanted to respond but she continued.

"Khole, Tyrese, and London have been my only friends, I've made it hard for you too and I'm sorry. I felt like you ladies came to take my friends away from me but I was wrong. You've both made them into better men and I hope you can one day find it in your hearts to forgive me because I don't want to lose my friends. I want to be a part of their lives and their children's lives so please accept my apologies." She sighed.

Well, that was a lot, Khole and I were silent for some time until I finally said "Anna, as much as I want to believe you, I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if this is just another one of your schemes in your big plan. It will take some time and actions on your part before I can believe you're being genuine" there's no sense in beating around the bush with her so I told her exactly how I felt.

Khole followed with "Anna, I don't have words for you, you made me believe Tyrese was fucking you and I just don't think I want you around us. As Brielle said, in time we'll see but right now just stay the fuck away." Khole was harsh but she deserved it.

London peeked in to tell us Tyrese was awake and we could come. When Khole saw him she started crying again and ran to his side, he was in a lot of pain but he held her hand and she kissed his face. Anna stood there using one arm to hug her body, clearly not sure of what to do or say. She walked up to Tyrese and sobbed. "Ty you're so stupid, I'm really happy you're ok. I'm going to go now, get your rest and I'll be back in the morning if that's ok with you Khole?" I heard her whisper and wondered if I was the only one who heard, Khole didn't answer and she left without another word.

I followed Tyrese's mother's eyes and she was looking at Khole kissing her son and her tears soaking his face. She walked over to Khole and hugged her, telling her he'll be ok.

London walked up to Khole and whispered something in her ear and then he touched Tyrese's hand and told him he's a strong soldier and he'll be back soon, that he needs to let me get some rest. I wish we could stay but I was feeling tired, it's amazing how well London knew me. I hugged Khole one more time and told Tyrese to keep strong, we said our goodbyes to his parents and made our way out.

Khole and his parents weren't leaving the hospital so he was in good hands. London sighed when we got into his car and put his face into his hands. "I'm sorry baby," I say while I held him. Donovan, London's driver drove off towards my apartment.

"I told Tyrese to sell that club but he shuts me down every single time, now look what it caused! He could've lost his life over something so stupid"

"It's not your fault babe," I told him.

"But it is Bri, it's all my fault. I messed around with women who came to that club, Ty too and I told him we needed to part ways because that's one way for people to easily come in contact with us and he just doesn't want to let go. Now look where it brought us and I know Mrs. Stone hates me for signing over the club to her son" he cried and my heart was in pieces.

London was beating himself up for what happened to Tyrese and I didn't know what to tell him. So I did all I could do and just be there, showed him my love and it seemed to have worked a bit as his breathing slowed and he relaxed. That night he fell asleep at my stomach talking to the baby, I left him there and snoozed off as I was exhausted.

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