Morning sickness

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I jolted out of the bed to the bathroom as soon as I opened my eyes, I felt terrible. I spilled my guts into the toilet over and over until nothing was left. I had tears running down my cheeks, I didn't even hear when London came into the bathroom.

"Hey baby, what's wrong"? he was rubbing my back.

"I don't know, a hangover I think," why was I even trying to lie.

He raised his eyebrows at me. "You had a taste of wine Brielle, surely that couldn't give you a hangover, let's go see a doctor" he suggested.

I got off the floor and brushed my teeth slowly, I rinsed my mouth and from the corner of my eyes, I could see London waiting on me to say something.

"I saw the doctor yesterday" I sighed.

"What did the doctor say?" he probed

I was choking on my words, I didn't know how to get the words out. Everything was happening too fast. "He said that I am pregnant" tears kept rolling down my cheeks.

London cupped my face with his two large hands and wiped my tears away, he kissed my forehead which I've come to realize he does a lot and it comforts me. He held my hand and brought me to the bed where he relaxed half sitting, half laying on the pillows, while I laid on his chest.

"I'm sorry if my baby is making you sick but I'm not surprised that you're carrying it." he slowly states.

"You did this on purpose?" I sniffed.

"I didn't plan to do it, it just happened because, well, " he was tripping on his words now.

"I was careless, I've wanted you for so long so when I got you I just didn't hold back. I didn't care to be careful as I usually am because Brielle I love you" I soaked his chest with my tears.

"I'm sorry if I disrupted your life or any plans you had but please know that I will love you both with all my heart." I haven't found any words to reply to him just tears.

He allowed me to cry, handing me tissues from the bedside table every now and again. After ten minutes of crying, I spoke.

"Don't you think we're moving too fast?" I asked.

"No I don't. Society tells us we're moving too fast and I don't care what people think. I love you Brielle and I want my life with you. It was selfish of me to get you pregnant by being careless but please don't resent me for it." he was looking in my watery eyes and I could see that he was being genuine.

"I love you too, " was all I managed before I was back in the bathroom dry heaving this time. London made me some tea and toast, he also brought bottled water.

I told London about the prescription the doctor gave me that I never went to the pharmacy to get so we're both getting dress to go to the pharmacy.

If someone had told me a few weeks ago that I would be in this situation presently, I would've called them a liar. We got the prenatal vitamins and folic acid from the pharmacy and something to eat before we went back home.

We stopped at London's apartment because he needed a document from his office. He insists on staying at my place because he said it feels more like home.

He had one of those huge sofas you could turn into a square or an L, it was big enough to seat ten persons. He had a kitchen I would spend all day in, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an office space, and a gym. Yet he wanted to stay at my little apartment. How will I break it to him that sooner than later we won't have enough space in my apartment?

I fell asleep on his sofa within minutes, I barely did anything today and I can't stay awake."Tired baby?" he asked as he barely shoved my shoulder to wake me up.

"Yeah let's stay here, " I didn't have any clothes in his apartment and I had work in the morning so we decided to go back to my apartment which was the initial plan anyway.

I have a lunch date with Naya tomorrow afternoon and I just haven't found a way to tell him. She's just my friend, why should I feel any way about having lunch with my friend.

London has been handling me like I'm fragile ever since I told him I'm pregnant and I like it but somehow I can already see it's going to haunt us.

This morning I'm in the bathroom again, London is holding my hair back while I bring up all of yesterday's meals. "Don't go to work baby, " he told me. "I have to go to work, I have two clients scheduled to meet me at the office today" I replied through my little sobs. I could see he wanted to say more but he held back.

I couldn't help the tears, it wasn't a good feeling throwing up, I really hated it. I took a warm shower when I was done brushing my teeth to get the terrible taste out of my mouth.

When I entered the room, he had made me tea, toast, and placed a pack of crackers on the breakfast tray. "I read that crackers help with the feelings so you can take that along with you to work and snack on it," he said.

I've really been blessed, a year ago I was hoping to have a man treat me the way Jared treats Ashley and I'm starting to feel that I have that in just a few weeks. "Thanks baby, " it's very thoughtful that he would read about what could help me with the morning sickness.

He took a shower while I was eating and now we were both getting dressed together. He had brought over a bunch of his work clothes last week and dumped them in my closet.

I was wearing a black and white pencil dress with black pumps and he chose a black tux with a white shirt and a black necktie. I had planned on driving but he insisted on taking me to work, now I'm going to have to catch an Uber to my lunch date. That sucks!

When we arrived at my office he pulled me in his lap and kissed my lips and my neck then my cheeks. "I love you baby, have a good day and I will pick you up at 5 yeah?".

"Five sounds right and I love you too," I smiled.

"Don't say too baby, it's sounds like you're agreeing," I want to laugh at the pout on his handsome face but I obliged. "I love you baby," this earned me another three minutes of kisses and hugs before he released me. I was all smiles when I entered my office.

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