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Her hand fitted in his firmly, and perfectly. Interlacing his fingers with hers, filling in the gap between her slender and small fingers, he walked with her. He looked ahead, while her eyes, they knew nothing then his face with that smile, the smile of serenity, that placid smile, that took her breath away like the breeze in the evenings, with the sunsetting so magnificently. She walked as he made her, unmindful of the people who she walked past, smiling insanely seeing him after so long, close to him, hands interlaced with her. "Meher kari", she whispered in her heart, sending a prayer to the power, to bless them for their togetherness and a life ahead filled with happiness. It was utopia, wasn't it. Can there be a life as such, that she wished for, that we all wish for. Was it possible to have just sunny days, and have no blue days. Can there always be happiness? Probably no, things can't be as you wish them to, and when they are the opposite of how you wished, it saddens you. But this is how it is, and this how it always has been. Pray for the courage to stand upright and firm in the days that are not how you planned them to be, and the courage to be humble and balanced when you are at the top touching the limits of the sky.

The hall was clamoring with the applauds, and hoots of the enthusiastic guest. Every other person was happy, rooting for the two. She looked at him, as they stood ahead of the guest, and then to their entwined hands. He was smiling looking at the people, just being happy, way too happy. She gave a little squeeze to his hand, making him look at her, with a cocked brow, she shook her head. It was just for her to make herself believe, that what all was happening, her being dressed, standing beside him with their hands locked amidst the people, in a decorated hall, which looked exquisite to her eyes, way to appealing and pleasing, perfect to her preferences was no dream, but reality. Light colored, mostly white, with a amalgamation of the pink, that fused with it so beautifully just like the fresh orchids Being into him, the surroundings draw her attention to it, and when it did, she gasped. It was beautiful, way too beautiful for her. Just a few simple flowers sequenced, to the perfection the few miscellaneous things that were used for the decor, the color that was perfect, it made her happy, and pleased her eyes.

"Baby", he whispered shifting closer to her, his hands now around her waist. She felt ticklish, with the mere touch and she twitched. He chuckled at the aftermath of his touch. No, he didn't tickle her or even brushed his fingers repeatedly. His palm curled and wrapped around her waist.


"You okay!!", he confirmed,

"You are here", and just like that, she said that. He has never understood this, the way she does not speak anything but speak volumes, and rendered him wordless. He was again, left tongue tied, and to express his heart, his feelings, he held her tighter.

Maa and Ishika joined them too, on the raised platform that was setup for the couple, and got hold on the mic.

Maa handed over the mic to Ishika, and she took it cheerfully. She always wanted to this, for her. Turning back she looked at Sana, her glowing face, not with the highlighter, but with the inner peace and happiness, let her have sigh in relief, and have faith in her faith. She was no more upset with him, as she tried to understand their life, not much, but it has made her realize that sometimes people are at wrong place and wrong time ending up to be in the wrong light, and it shades them as the antagonist in their own stories. Not every time is the person at fault, sometimes its the situation and the life, that try to play with them. Sana smiled and her eyes filled up, she might have to be away from her soon, and it was and it will be difficult for her. Ishika blinked her eyes, cueing her not to cry, followed by a smile, and cleared her throat as she began

"Hello and good evening everyone...", bringing everyone's attention to her she continued. Her voice was shaky, and seeing Ishika nervous was once in a blue moon. Shrugging away the jitteriness, she announced "Firstly, a hearty and sincere thankyou to all of you who have managed to grace the day with their presence on such a short notice.....but I swear this is not my idea, the man standing right here...."she turned and looked at looked at Sidharth, "he did not want to wait...", everyone cackled, and Sidharth was flushed, while Rachit was wide eyed for what she spoke.

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