Choose or Lose!

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Breezes find their path through the curtains adorned the walls making them dance to their tunes. Ridhima brushing her feet against the cold marble floor of the VR mansion which is now Ziventa manór. Absentmindedly her left hand jumped on something placed on the table causing its fall, within a spur of time she saved that object from collapsing. It was Vansh and Ridhima's wedding frame. That image bought back a lot of good memories to her, from him curing her hiccups to them confessing love. But then the flashes of Vansh announcing Ahana as his wife and Whole Raisinghanias disowning her came to her mind.

Her eyes were dry but still, after several hurdles, a teardrop managed to find its way from her eyes. Seeing that lone tear she recalled what he and his family did to her, how badly they treated her and slagged her off before public.

"Vansh, sometimes I want those to be a nightmare only because one part of me still wanted to love as I did. My love for you didn't possess any motive. But Love can never be above one's dignity and self-respect, ones only wealth." She wiped that tear away from the photo.

"Raamu kaakaa...Raamu kaakaa!" she summoned.

"My lady did you called for me," Ramu kaka queried striding towards her.

"Kaaka collects all such pictures of Raisinghanias and throws them away," she ordered.

Ramu kaka nodded in approval and took the photo and left. Ridhima was startled by a sudden touch on her shoulder from back by Abheeti.

"Di, are you okay?" Abheeti enquiries.

"Sometimes the power that no living person posses will be on such lifeless things," Ridhima stated.

"Di...its en......

Before Abheeti could complete they heard a loud hoarse sound screaming Ridhima's name. Vansh strode into the living room surpassing the various protests of guards to stop him.

Noticing Ridhima there he started to walk past towards her, within a nick of time Abheeti blocked his way and stopped him showing her palm.

" Don't you dare to lay one more step," she warned him.

"Don't strive to stop me, I want my answers from her only," he pointed his index finger towards Ridhima.

"She doesn't want a talk with you," she argued.

"But I need to have a word with Ridhima Vansh Raisinghania! I wanted to know why she is in disguise as her own biological sister?" He demanded.

"The great VR still yearns to solve the puzzle I am not surprised," Ridhima stated.

"Ridhima, If you wanted to punish me for my mistakes you can do it by your identity only. Your one word I will be on your feet," he pleaded.

"I somehow see your crocodile tears and thought you were changed. But I was wronged you are the same cunning and crooked Vansh Raisinghania. Who always glorify his deeds by hook or crook you bloody murderer," she blurted out.

"Murder? What rubbish," he asked bewildered.

"Only because of you Swasika di isn't with us today, you are responsible for her death, your hired goons assassinated her," Abheeti Jump downed his throat.

"That day you left Ridhima di alone in that bloody Motel and she out of anxiety and stress get into street searching you and get into our driving car meeting an accident. She had a major blood loss. The cherry on top, her group was Bombay O-ve one of the major rarest blood groups in India. Fortunately, my di's blood group was matching with her since she also poses the same blood group. My di initiated a DNA test upon her optimistic belief of Ridhima being her long lost sister and the result was positive. But Ridhima ran away from the hospital as soon she gained her consciousness only to witness her being replaced by someone else." Abheeti narrated.

"And when we finally tracked Ridhima on Bhandra, she was going to throw her off the cliff. Somehow Di stopped her from the action and both sisters reunited. Which only vanished within 10minutes. Ridhima di did a mistake sharing a video with you. You just sent some hired goons to assassinate her even after knowing she was there only to finish her off. Swasika di and Viksay jiju became victims instead of Ridhima," Abheeti further added.

Abheeti almost became apart at the seams while Ridhima stood there emotionless without any change in her state. Vansh is only able to give them a what-the-heck look.

"Don't act smart Vansh, your goons themselves confessed," Added Ridhima

"Ridhima, I realized I was wrong when I punished you over a misunderstanding. But today you are also getting on the same path," Vansh tried to explain.

"What do you think Vansh, I'll play this Cat and Mouse game till your end and let you breathe fresh air?" Ridhima mocked him.

"Naah, this game will continue till I make you suffer what I felt and once I get hold of your hired goons. Then Karagrah Mubarak ho Vansh Raisinghania," She further added.

"Ridhima, how could I prove my innocence before you. I don't give a damn to what others think," he let out fixing his eyes at Abheeti who is standing beside him.

"What's the guarantee that you won't repeat your sin? How could I believe that you won't leave me again" Ridhima put forward.

"I can cross 7 countries to be with you. Without you lam breathless Ridhima," Vansh replied.

"No need of crossing 7 countries. If you really wanna be with me, then leave everything behind and come. Everything for which you spend your whole life. Choose me or lose me." She announced.

And Vansh stood there aghast. Meanwhile, on another wall, few men stood before a silhouette of a man facing his back towards them.

"Vansh sir, our work is done," said one man coming forward.

Author's note: One more chapter is done. And this one is dedicated to my FirstRaysOfSun aka TSA_Backup1 aka my Vanshu aka my pal.

Today she marks her One year at TU. Congo Alu......

I wanted to post this on your birthday, but some occurrences made me back off

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I wanted to post this on your birthday, but some occurrences made me back off.

Still sharing my message for you Aluuu...

"Be the shining thread in the graceful tapestry of the world to make this year the best ever in your whole life." 🦋✨

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