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After few years

Vansh POV

The waves of cheering rolled along into melodic beats, her angelic had given eclectic energy to the audience. Just like her fascinating cocoa eyes, her voice is so captivating. Who else could make the whole audience sink into an unknown song, that too in her primary school age? She is really a differently-abled child.

In past years life has changed me a lot. That night I was weaving dreams of our life together, but everything got wiped out by the next morning.

When I came to receive her for our new dawn, I received a doom instead. She was striving with life. Her chances to recover was high, but her chance of surviving those night was low. Kabir was also admitted to the same ventilator, he won the battle of life effortlessly and is now jailed for all his deeds.

Like bolt from the blue, It took four months and seventeen days for Ridhima to knock out death. I and Abheeti became her shoulders to look after her leaving no stone unturned for bringing her back to normal life. In that process,  I had forgotten about my family, my works, my life, even myself.

One fair morning when I came back after getting her medicine I received a piece of unfair news. Ridhima left the hospital! She paid off her bills and vacated, and Hospital staffs just look away as she left. The only thing I got was a leftover letter from her.

"Maybe You're the Vansh whom I loved and trusted more than me, but it's life and it tends to teach us a new lesson every time. Part of my life with you taught me not to believe in love once again. We can't erase our mistakes but we can make up for them. Our life doesn't have any recycling bin to dump our mistakes, but You can learn to live with the guilt, learn to forgive yourself. Move ahead, what's done is done. You'll know by the time that you have a lot to do in your life. And this is where our relationship ends. I'm leaving with the little happiness inside me forever from your world.
With Regards, Ridhima"  her letter states.

For the past 5 years, I am living with guilt. The guilt of losing her, the guilt of losing our life, the guilt of losing our baby. Yes! She was pregnant with our child. To keep her last wish I am trying to be the Vansh she wished for and that wish bought me here what I am today. From the smuggler to the philanthropist. The journey wasn't easy. Still, I am chased by the past.

"I would like to call Mr Vansh Raisinghania, the director board member of our school. Sir please," the anchor called me into the stage for complimenting that cocoa eyed girl.

I stood up adjusting my tuxedo and strolled towards the centre of attention. She stand there mesmerised looking at the crowd praising her. Her gaze finally ended on me with enthusiasm. I smiled at her slightly patting her left cheek.

I bent onto her level and gave a momentum of appreciation.

"Congratulations angel," I appreciated her. She giggled back at me. And she turned to thank the audience.

She is full of life. Our child would have been like her. Whenever I visit any new place my mind tends to look after a familiar face of her. But luck isn't easy to crack like the deals I used to crack.

I bent on my knees to face her.

"What's your name angel?" I asked her honestly. She just stared at me without muttering anything.

"Sir she can't hear. Nor understands English," Her teacher who stood next to her replied and does some actions to which she reciprocated nodding her head.

"Amaara Naama Baaniya,(my name is Vaniya)" she replied in her cute yet soft Bengali accent.

"It's such a cute name just like your voice," I complimented her which her teacher translated in their sign language.

I get back to my seat and dialled the chairman of the school and enquired whole details of her. He promised me to give her details before sunset today. As I was about to turn off my phone, one particular notification from the news app caught my attention.

Former Mumbai city station Inspector Kabir break out of Jail today Morning!!

That news was enough to spoil my mood as well as to boost my mood. Now Kabir can't escape from my clutches. I laughed inwardly.

3rd Person Pov

In Some other corners of the world,

"Mumma helps me choose fork for today's party," a Little girl with brown coloured hair hanging till shoulder and eyes carrying a cocoa-like pupil yelled.

"Aww, momma's baby I am coming over," A lady in her mid-thirties replied.

"Mumma's baby looks lovely in this blue frock," the lady replied taking a blue frock from the wardrobe. She made the baby get dressed and made her wear the baby tiara on her head.

"Now my Rivannah baby looks elegant," the lady remarked and took her from the chair and placed her in the wheelchair and summoned the nanny to take the baby for her friends birthday.

After minutes of the baby's departure her phone rang she tap and swiped the green button answering the call.

"Ma'am he is with us," the person on the other side informed her.

"Tell Kabir that I want him to know that it was me who bought him here, Ridhima!" Ridhima ordered hanging the call.

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞The End∞∞∞∞∞∞∞

A/n:- As I promised to you guys, here you go with the Epilogue.

15 parts, 30K views, 1.44k Votes and 858 Comments till now, not bad

Now this marks the end of  'Burnt Rose'.The journey wasn't so easy, once I even kept the book on hold for more than 6months but still, you guys didn't give up. It was only my readers because of whom I was able to complete this book. Thankeww🥰 So much for the support you guys gave by Commenting, voting and even by viewing it once. <3 <3  *sending virtual kisses and hugs*

Today Marks the 367th day of This book on Wattpad. I posted the first part on the birthday of ichhadhari. Ereyesterday was her birthday, Once again wish you a very Happy Birthday on your 97th Birthday Naani 🤧❤️.

So I will be giving this book for editing ( I didn't want to take the risk). The plotholes will be mended by me after grammatical editing. So till then stay safe, keep smiling💜

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