Chapter 1

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Drew stared at the empty seat next to him. Jake had ditched him for the Music Club. Again.

It was obvious Jake preferred those freaks over him, even if he insisted he was just doing it to impress Daisy.

What was so great about them, anyway? They were so weird, and they weren't even that good of musicians... right?
Drew left the cafeteria. He needed to know how good those freaks really were. He practically ran down the hallway until he arrived at the room with the telltale purple poster on it. He looked through the small window. They were rehearsing.

Drew quietly placed his ear to the door. He was blown away by what he heard.

They were good. No. They were incredible. But the most incredible one, by far, was the singer. He made *insert whatever singer is popular now* sound like nails against a chalkboard.

Who was this guy, and how was he such a good singer?
He looked through the window. He was stunned to see that it was Jake.

I figured he'd have to sound okay, at the very least, but...he sounded like an angel.

Drew felt color flood his cheeks, for some reason.

"Alright, that's a wrap!" Hailey said. "Good work everyone. We'll have rehearsals again tomorrow at 12:30 sharp. Jake."

Even Hailey's snarky comments couldn't dampen Jake's spirits. When he sang, he felt pure ecstasy. Especially when he was with the Music Club.

"Speaking of... Jake, can we talk to you?" Sean said.

"Um, sure." Jake said, fearing the worst. Were they going to kick him out because he and his friends bullied them? Not that he didn't deserve it. He felt really guilty about the way he treated the Music Club. Especially considering he was bullied once in the same way...

"Why do you hang out with Drew?" Milly said.

"What do you mean?"

"He's a complete jerk. He picks on people for no reason, he thinks he's better than everyone else because his parents are rich, and he's dumb enough to date Zoey." Milly said.

Zander continued. "As much as it pains me to admit, you're not a bad person, Jake, and we can tell you don't condone his actions. So why do you hang out with him?"

Jake sighed. They were right. He didn't like what Drew got up to. But...

"He's not all bad," Jake said.

"Just this morning, he beat up a freshman because he grazed his shoulder. Not exactly good person material."

"W-well, he-"
"Jake, just tell us the truth," Hailey said. "Why do you hang out with him?"
Jake snapped. "I only hang out with him because he's popular, okay?!"
The rest of the club's eyes widened at this sudden outburst.

Jake sighed, and began to, more calmly, explain. "I didn't want to be bullied or friendless, so when Drew approached me... I thought it was my chance to become popular. And I did. But once I became popular, I had to either go along with everything he did, or go back to being a loser. I know it's a selfish reason for me to bully you, but that's why."
"Jake." Hailey said. "We can't act like you were never terrible to us, but we understand now. I can't imagine what it has to be like, being someone you're not."

"Yeah, Jake, we're your friends, and we won't let that idiot make you do things you don't want to do anymore." Milly said.
Jake cracked a small smile. "Thanks guys."
He turned around to open the club door.
He never expected to see Drew standing there, with tears in his eyes.

I only hang out with him because he's popular I only hang out with him because he's popular I only hang out with him because he's popular I only hang out with him because he's popular I only hang out with him because he's popular

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