Chapter 5

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A few weeks later

Jake rang the doorbell.

He stood outside of Drew's house (or rather; Drew's mansion- his parents were rich, after all.) He was staying over at his house for a sleepover.

After a few moments, Drew opened the door.

"Hey, Drew."
"Hi, Jake."

Jake walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Drew asked.

Drew went into the kitchen to get some popcorn.

Jake moved to lay his head down on the cushions, but he felt something under the cushions.

Maybe it's a remote control?
Jake stood up and moved the cushions to find that no, it was not a remote, but a microphone.

Jake frowned. As far as he knew, neither of Drew's parents did anything music related, and Drew didn't have any siblings, so...

Why was there a microphone in his house?

He picked it up to examine it.

On the mike, there was a sticker on it that clearly read Drew's name across the front.


This was Drew's? But Drew hated music? Why would he have a microphone?

Drew went back in the room.

"We ran out of popcorn, but there is-" Drew noticed that Jake was holding a microphone.

"W-where did you get that?"
"I found it under the cushions."
Drew swore under his breath. He couldn't believe he left it there.

"Give it back!" Drew said, running towards Jake and reaching for it.

Jake tightened his grip on it. "Why do you have a microphone? You hate music."
"GIVE IT BACK!" Drew yelled, trying to pry it from Jake's hands.

"I'll give it back if you explain why you have a microphone!"

Drew gave up. "Fine."

Jake and Drew then realized that Drew had gotten very close to Jake when trying to get the microphone back. And by close, that meant that they were literally breathing the same air.

Drew blushed and took a few steps back from an equally red Jake.

"A-anyway," Drew began. "I... don't actually hate music. I love it."

"I sang all the time as a kid. And I still do. But then one day..."
Drew was in kindergarten. He was hanging around during recess.

He built castles in the sandpit while he sang a song.

Then, out of nowhere, a boy walked up to him and kicked over his sandcastle.

"H-hey! What was that for?"
"For being a music freak. What sort of loser sings, anyway? That's for girls!"
Drew frowned. "N-no it's not! Music is for everyone!"
"No, it's for freaks. That makes you a freak!"

Drew began to cry.

"What's the matter? You gonna cry? Go ahead, ya baby!"
The boy walked off laughing.

"I had to keep the fact that I loved music a secret ever since then. Even if it meant bullying the music club."
Jake nodded. He could definitely emphasize. He had been through the same thing as a kid.

I'm Sorry- Drew X Jake (The Music Freaks Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now