Chapter 4

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One day later

When Jake woke up, he had a stomach ache. And he felt all hot.

"Jake, time for breakfast!" His mother called from the kitchen.

"Coming!" He called out in a raspy voice.

Jake stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning Ja- are you okay?!" His mom's eyes widened in concern.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine!" Jake rasped out.

"You most definitely are not, young man! Look at you, you look like you've caught a fever!"

"I'm not sick!" Jake said.

"Let me check your temperature," Jake's mom said, grabbing a thermometer from the cabinet.

After putting the thermometer under his tongue, Jake's mom checked the temperature. She gasped.

"102 degrees!? You are staying home today until you get better!"

Jake groaned and headed up to his room and collapsed in his bed. He hated sick days. Besides, he wanted to spend time with Drew-

He stopped that train of thought before it could get any further.

His crush on Drew was something he ignored like an elephant in a room. He tried not to acknowledge it, but it was too big to not be on top of his mind 24/7.

Jake groaned. Why did he have to feel this way about Drew, of all freaking people? There's no way he felt the same.

Just about him made him feel warm and fuzzy all over... or maybe it was the insanely high fever.

Take your pick.

Drew frowned when he looked at his phone. Jake had just texted that he was sick and couldn't come to school today.

Maybe it was for the best. He hadn't spoken to Jake since his... realization, the other day. And he didn't want to act like an idiot in front of him because of a stupid crush. Besides, he had a girlfriend; though, come to think of it, he hadn't spoken to Zoey for a few days.

Drew spent the entire school day dragging himself from class to class. There was an empty, Jake sized void in his heart.

When lunch finally came, Drew didn't even have the energy to talk to Henry and Liam. He just left and walked around.

When Drew walked away from their lunch table to mope around, Henry began talking to Liam.

"Okay, so those two are obviously in love," Henry began the conversation.

Liam nodded. "Yep."

The two had always suspected there was something not-so-platonic between Drew and Jake, but it became blatantly obvious recently. Drew and Jake had been spending a lot of time together, Jake had been acting strangely around Drew, and as the final nail in the coffin, there was that little outburst from Drew.

"So, how do we get them together?" Liam asked.

"Well, those two are dumber than rocks, so it's going to be hard. In order to get them together, we're going to have to have some help."
"Help from who?"
"Believe me, I didn't want to resort to this, but...."
"But what?"
"In order to get them to make out, we're gonna have to team up with the music club."


"Okay, everyone! Good work today! We'll be rehearsing again tomorrow at lunch time."

Hailey said. Rehearsals were always fun, but it felt empty without Jake there to fill the void.

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