Chapter 3

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It took Jake a few minutes to process that he had a crush on his childhood friend.

It really shouldn't have surprised him. Looking back, he was stupid not to have noticed it before.

But the realization had been terrifying. Everything that came with having an unrequited crush came crashing down on him.

Unrequited. Drew was dating Zoey. Even if he wasn't, Jake had no idea if he liked guys. Even if he did like guys, why would Drew like him?

A relationship with Drew was unobtainable. No matter how badly he wanted to feel Drew's lips pressed against his, or to even embrace him, it was all out of his reach.

That's enough. You're not a lovesick schoolgirl. You can't let a stupid crush ruin your friendship with Drew.

Jake nodded. Yeah, that was right. This was just a crush. Nothing that he wouldn't be over in a few weeks time.

Jake tried not to think of Drew as he tried to fall asleep, but incidentally, he thought of nothing else.

Yeah, he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.

Drew stood out in front of the school along with Henry and Liam, who were arguing about something. He didn't know the details, but he was sure he heard the words "Deku Ripoff" in there somewhere.

Drew spotted Jake across the courtyard. He was initially relieved for a distraction from the 2 idiots, but it immediately crumpled away.

Jake did not look good. His normally tidy blonde hair was a rat's nest. He had an unusually pale complexion, which just emphasized the dark circles under his eyes.

Maybe he just didn't get enough sleep, Drew thought.

"Hey Jake!" Drew said, smiling and waving.

"H-hi Drew." Jake said, nervously.

Drew frowned. Why was Jake nervous? It wasn't like the usually brash Jake.

"Is... everything okay?" Drew said.

"Y-yup! Everything's fine! Haha!" Jake stammered, putting on a strained, obviously fake smile.

Okay, something was definitely wrong. "What's wrong, Jake?" Drew asked, in a soft voice he never reserved for everyone other than the boy in front of him.

"N-nothing! I just didn't get enough sleep." Jake glanced at his wrist. "Oh, look at the time, I have to go!"
The lie would have worked infinitely better if Jake had actually been wearing a watch.

Jake ran off. Drew stared at the empty space that used to occupy Jake.

Why was Jake acting like this? Did he do something wrong?
Jake, I don't know what I did, but whatever it was, I'm sorry. Please, I'll do anything. Just stop acting like this.

Jake, for the second time in 3 days, went into the bathroom, stood in front of the sink, and cried.

He had acted so weird around Drew. What if Drew thought he was a weirdo or- oh god- what if Drew guessed Jake liked him?
Fear ran through him. How would Drew react if he found out about his feelings? Disgust? Revulsion?

Images of Jake professing his feelings for Drew, only for Drew to laugh at him, or look repulsed flashed through his head.
"No no no no..." Jake cried.

"Jake?" Jake heard a voice cry.

In the doorway of the bathroom, he saw a concerned looking girl. He recognized her immediately- you'd remember someone you had a massive crush on for several years.

I'm Sorry- Drew X Jake (The Music Freaks Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now