Chapter 6

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So, it's been a while, hasn't it. Sorry about that. I had a really weird month. I promise I'll post more frequently! Anywho, enjoy some audition shenanigans (and a slip up.)

A few days later

Drew was eating lunch with Henry and Liam.

Drew looked at the clock and groaned internally. Why did he have to get himself dragged into this?

He got up. "I have to go."

"Where are you going?" Henry asked.

Drew sighed. "Jake asked that I'd audition for the music club."

"WHAT?!" Henry yelled.

"I know, but... Jake said that I should go."
He's an even bigger simp than Jake!

Liam chuckled. "Well, good luck!"
Drew walked off.

"I can't believe this." Henry said. "First Jake, now Drew. A-am I next?"
Liam rolled his eyes. "It's a good thing, you moron."

"If Drew joins the music club, then it'll be easier to get him together with Jake, because he'll be spending all that time with the music club, whose helping us!" He whispered.

"Oh, yeah!" Henry said.

They both grinned. This was going to be fun...



The entire music club exclaimed this in unison.

"I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. Drew is a really good singer. I heard him over the weekend."

"We already have a lead singer." Zander said. "To add another would just be a waste of time and effort."

"Hey Jake," Milly said, "Leave the room real quick."
"What? Why-" Jake said, but by then Milly had pushed Jake out the door.

"I say we give him a chance," Milly said after shutting the door. "If he's as good as Jake says he is, we should let him in."
"It seems suspicious." Zander said.

"Zander, we forgave him, remember?" Hailey said.

"I'm just being wary! Doesn't it seem even a little fishy?"
Hailey sighed. "Look. If Drew makes one wrong move, then both Jake and him get kicked out. Okay?"
Zander frowned. "Fine. But were only letting him in if he's as good Jake says he is."
"Besides." Sean said. "This could help with the plan." Sean whispered.

Milly grinned. "Yep!"

Jake was unceremoniously pushed out of the music room.

The heck just happened?
Jake turned around to see Drew. "Oh! Hey, man."
"Why did they push you out just now?"

Jake shrugged. "Beats me."

Drew frowned. "It's because of me, isn't it."
"I'm sure it's something unrelated."

"...What were they talking about before pushing you out the room."
"...You." Jake admitted.

"I knew it." Drew frowned. "They don't trust me."
"Hey, they acted the same way towards me when I joined. You'll be friends with them in no time."

"I doubt it." Drew said.

"C'mon, just give it a chance."

"Awesome!" Jake said. And before he had time to think about it, he kissed Drew on the cheek.

There was dead silence for a few moments before they both processed what just happened. Which was the calm before the storm.




"I-I'm sorry!" Jake yelled out.

"I-It's fine! TOTALLY FINE!" Said Drew, equally loudly.

The door to the music room swung open. "'Kay, you can come in-" Milly cut off when she realized how close the two were. It didn't help that they were both bright red.

Milly grinned. "Am I interrupting?"
"NO!" The two simultaneously exclaimed, which just made Milly grin even wider.

"If you say so~"

Next thing Drew knew, he was standing in front of the whole music club, who were all staring at him expectantly.

This was going to suck, it would be horrible-

His eyes met Jake's.

Okay, it might not be horrible.

Drew took a deep breath and began to sang.

Each time of year carries memories

Like a never fading whisper in the breeze

Oh, we will keep on changing all over again

Yeah we will keep on changing just like another season

Don't want another day without you by my side, oh, this season


You came into my life just like another season

Not for long just a time, just like another season


Just like another season


Just like another season

Milly grinned. "That was awesome!"
"Yeah, you're pretty good." Sean said.

Where have I heard that song before? Luke thought.

Zander sighed. Drew was a decent singer, no doubt.

Hailey nodded. "We'll let you join, provided that you promise not to step out of line."
Drew nodded. "Okay. I promise."
Jake grinned. "I knew you could do it, man!"
Drew gave Jake a small, but very genuine, smile.
"I'm glad you auditioned. You're really good. But," Putting on his jokingly cocky persona he said, "But obviously you could never replace me."
"A sack of moldy peaches could replace you." Zander said.

Jake pouted, while Drew chuckled. "Good one, man."

"Wow, you and Drew really are similar." Hailey said.

"What!?" Drew and Zander yelled.

"Oh yeah!" Milly said. "You are!"
"In what way am I like him?" Zander said.

"Both of you are really edgy, both of you have purple hair, both of you-"
"Okay, we get it." Zander said, miserable that he shared many similarities to Drew.

"I'm not done! Both of you are sort of antisocial, both of you are in love with their childhood friends, both of you-"

"M-milly!" A flustered Jake yelled.

"What?" Milly said, before realizing what she had said. She slapped her hand over her mouth.


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