Chapter 2

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Drew and Jake walked to the Music Room.

It was only a few dozen feet from the lunch room, but for Drew, it felt like miles.

How was he supposed to apologize to the music club after everything he did? 'Hey, I'm sorry that, even though you did nothing wrong, I ridiculed you, ganged up on you, and generally treated you like a subhuman. No hard feelings?'

Jake, seeing Drew's nervousness, patted Drew's back. "Don't worry, Drew. I'm sure that they'll forgive you. They might not seem like it, but they are a kind bunch."
Drew frowned. "I treated them like garbage for years just because they like music. I wouldn't blame them if they didn't forgive me. I deserve it-"
"Hey. Look at me." Jake said.

Jake put his arms on Drew's shoulder's, and made him face Jake.

"You might not seem like it, but under the bully act, you're a good person. And you really are sorry, so you deserve to be forgiven."
Drew gave a small smile. "Thanks, Jake. You're a good friend."
Drew slipped his hand into Jakes. His hands are so soft, they both thought.

They walked down the rest of the hall holding each other's hands.

When they arrived at the music room, Jake asked, "Ready?"
Drew nodded. "Yep."
Jake gave Drew's hand an encouraging squeeze before entering the music room.

"Oh hey Jake-" Hailey began, then noticed Drew. "What's he doing here?"
Zander frowned. "He's probably here to ruin our rehearsal."
"He's not here to cause you guys any harm." Jake said. "Go ahead Drew."
Drew took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you guys for the past couple of years. I hurt you guys for no good reason, and it was wrong of me. I'll try to be nicer to you guys."
The entire music club's mouths were hanging wide open.

"How do we know you're not just saying that to catch us off guard so you can prank us?" Zander said.

Drew sighed. "I guess I deserve that. But this isn't a prank. I really am sorry."
Hailey frowned. "R-really?"
"Yeah." Drew hung his head. "I know I can't take back the past couple of years, but I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you guys."

Hailey sighed. "You were pretty terrible to us. But if you really are sorry, we can try to start over."
Everyone else nodded in agreement. Even Zander, though reluctantly.

Drew smiled. "Thank you all so much."
They stood for a few moments in silence before Milly broke it.

"Um, why are you and Jake holding hands?"
Jake and Drew looked at their hands in alarm. They had not let go of each other before entering the music room.

"Uh, no reason," Jake said, his face as red as a tomato. He hastily withdrew his hand.

"Y-yeah. S-so, see you after rehearsals, Jake." Drew said, leaving the music room just as flustered.

The entire club looked at Jake with grins on their faces.

"W-what!" Jake said, turning even redder than before.

"Noothing~" Milly said.

Drew walked back to the cafeteria and went to the table where Henry and Liam were sitting.

"Where were you?" Henry asked. "And please tell Liam that lettuce tastes way better than tomatoes!"

"Not even gonna ask." Drew said, sliding into his chair. "Oh, and just so you guys know, from now on, we're going to be leaving the music fre- club alone."
Liam raised an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

I'm Sorry- Drew X Jake (The Music Freaks Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now