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Hey... so it's been a while. Like, almost a year a while. I owe you guys an explanation as to why I haven't been updating.

The first is that I don't ship Drake as much as I used to. Don't get me wrong, I still love it, but I've lost some of my passion for it.

The second is that I'm not as invested in the story as I used to be. I feel like the plot is becoming a bit cliche, and it keeps dragging on.

The third is that schoolwork and mental health stuff has been stressing me out, so I needed a long break.

I might write the next chapter sometime soon, but I won't and can't guarantee it. I'm sorry to people that got really invested in the story, only for it to get little to no updates these days. Trust me, as someone who loves fanfic, I know exactly what it feels like. 

If it's any consolation, here's a funny TMF meme (not mine):

If it's any consolation, here's a funny TMF meme (not mine):

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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