Pokémon: 3 Moves (REWRITE)

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one year later, i'm rewriting it. i also wanted to say, when i was writing it, i didn't know a lot about pokemon. now i do, and i can fix some of my previous mistakes.

ALSO! i am aware that destiny bond and perish song don't exist in generation one. the narrator states that. :)

also the grammar was just shit in general so i'm fixing that too

Uh- enjoy-? Is that the right word—?


I was bored, so I went and bought myself a used copy of Pokémon Blue from a gaming store since it was on sale. I never played the games before, since I started my Pokémon journey with Emerald (unfortunately I no longer own that copy since I sold it), so it would be a nice change.

I went home, sat on the couch, grabbed my brother's old game boy and immediately started up the game. It loaded as normal, with Red on the titlecard with all the Pokémon sliding past him.

I pressed A to start, but it forced me to continue the other player's game. I was going to look at the previous owner's savefile if they hadn't deleted it anyways, so I was fine with it. Maybe I could even finish it for them?

I started it without caring to read the extra information about the savefile, and to my surprise the screen was completely black. I knew the game was running since the.. Cerulean City theme was playing in the background? Weird.

I had access to the menu, and scrolled down the options. The player's name was "33v33", which I was assuming was Eevee but with 3's instead of E's. Also weird.

It said they had earned all eight gym badges, caught all 151 Pokémon (including Mew, they must have activated the glitch), and that they had been playing for 99 hours.

I checked their party, and they had six level 3 Eevee's. Guess this person really liked Eevee, despite having supposedly caught all the Pokédex. All the Eevee's had the exact same stats, except they for some reason all had 12 hit points. What was even weirder? They all only knew perish song. Which Eevee nor any of its evolutions could learn, and I was pretty sure it didn't exist until Gold and Silver.

Regardless, I checked the bag for an escape rope, or anything of use. I found a water stone, thunder stone and fire stone, which was convenient. I also found a masterball which for my current situation was useless.

I had nothing else to do, so I evolved three of the Eevee's into Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon respectively. I then started pressing the plus button in several directions, unsure if my character was actually moving or not, until my screen flashed white, like it would if I found an encounter.

Instead of playing the encounter music, the game went silent and stayed black for a couple seconds after flashing for a final time. I thought the game crashed, until a slow, delayed battle finally began.

My encounter? An Espeon with an unknown level. Another feature that shouldn't exist in the game's code.

The sprite of the Espeon was of it's Gold and Silver one, but it's entire body was black with white eyes. It was pretty creepy at first, but I realised that the sprite probably shouldn't be the thing I worried about most.

The text read, "Wild E3PEON appeared!". My character sprite looked completely normal, as far as I was concerned. I inspected what I was looking at for a bit before finally pressing A, and sending out Vaporeon into battle.

The Vaporeon backsprite too looked normal, as I went down the menu and selected "Fight", since the "Run" option seemed to have disappeared. I only knew perish song, so I could just switch out letting only the Espeon faint.

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