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Midoriya's quirk was still in effect, the burglar was frozen.
Aizawa kicked his back and sent him face planting into the ground.
He pounded his back a bit, furious.

After the villain was very much knocked out he ran to Midoriya's side and rushed him to a hospital, he lost too much blood...

Aizawa called the police, lifted up his son, ran to the car, and drove off.
Midoriya was more pale than he usually was.

They made it there, Midoriya was taken to the emergency room where they quickly took him to get his vitals checked, IVd, and everything a hospital does when someone loses too much blood.

Aizawa stood anxious by his side, he had such great news to deliver but it was delayed...

He sat besides Midoriya, stress eating at him.
However, when the doctor came in she had a rather surprised look on her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Well, we didn't think it was possible but...

His life expectancy increased, instead of his death at 16 he'll die at 17.
We don't know how it's happened .

Something else also happened, his quirk strength...
Quirk attacks may become more frequent in him despite the fact his life expectancy has increased.
Remember to tell him to exercise his vocals" the doctor said as she handed Aizawa some papers.

"Wait! Is there anyway we can increase his life expectancy some more!?"

"No, this in it of itself is impossible.
We don't know how it's happened.
All I say is keep a close eye on him."

The doctor walked out, leaving Aizawa stunned.
He stared at Midoriya in his passed out state.

"His life expectancy increased??
Is it related to that weird green electricity I saw when he was fighting in the entrance exam?
If only I knew how to increase his life expectancy some more...
At least I get to have him for another year..." Aizawa thought to himself as he stared at Midoriya.

Midoriya suddenly woke up, aggressively inhaling air as he sat up.
He startled Aizawa.
Midoriya only remembered the burglar when he woke up.

Burg-ar" Midoriya forced out. He realized he couldn't speak, yet again...

"The burglar is already gone, don't worry.
How do you feel??"

"My throat hurts a lot more than usual but I'm fine" Midoriya signed.

I have some news to tell you but I'll tell you when we're home.

Midoriya nodded his head.

Another nurse came in and removed all the IVs, she did a quick scanning on him and cleared him to be able to go home.
And so they drove all the way back.

Midoriya had so many questions he wanted to ask but Aizawa had to keep his eyes on the road and not his sign language and so it was a silent drive back.

When they finally made it home, Midoriya sat on the sofa across from Aizawa and patiently waited for the news.

"Okay Midoriya.
So I got good and bad news, but the good news out weighs the bad news.
Are you ready?"

Midoriya excitedly nodded his head.

Your life expectancy increased, instead of death at 16 you'll die at 17!" Aizawa said.

Midoriya's eyes widened as they filled with tears of joy, he wanted to shout but it hurt. He rubbed his eyes and looked back at Aizawa.

The bad news is...
Quirk attacks are going to become more frequent because somehow your quirk has gotten stronger..."

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