getting along

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"I'm here" a familiar voice said.
Everyone looked to the door and there he was...


Arms bandaged, but he could move.

The class gasped, he really came with broken bones..?

Midoriya already knew he'd be coming.

"Let's get on with some announcements And then we can get into today's lesson.

Your fight isn't over yet....

The sports festival is coming up" he said.

The class jumped in joy. They were excited for the festival, they'd watch it every year but now they were participating in it.
It wasn't the same.

"Quiet down.

It's next week Wednesday, this week will be full on intense training to prepare you all.
I expect you all to try your hardest, don't embarrass me."

The class nodded their heads in determination, they'd win.

Let's get on with today's lesson."

After that 3 hour period of learning about math with a combination of hero work, they were all dismissed to lunch.

Midoriya sat down with his friends, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero.

Midoriya was enjoying his chicken Katsudon when suddenly someone aggressively hit the back of his head.
"Ow" he said as he turned around.

There he found a straight haired blond with blueish gray eyes staring down at him with a grin.

"I heard you helped all might, the entire school is talking about it.
They're also talking about class A.

And so, I needed to see it for myself.
What scrawny class A student by the name izuku Midoriya was mighty enough to help all might.


From what I'm seeing, you look too frail to hold up to what the rumor says.

So how exactly did you?
A weak child.
Help all might?" He sneered.

The entire table glared at the blond who was obviously trying to pick a fight.
However, Midoriya didn't take any word to heart and infact...
Had a different response.

"Sorry you view me that way, it was just my quirk is all.
You're right, I'm not really all that...

What's your name?" Midoriya asked.

The blond was taken aback by his sincerity in his tone and how he just replied to being...

"I'm n-Nieto Monoma.
From class B, you'll hear about me soon enough" he replied trying to hide his nervousness.
He kind of felt bad for speaking the way he did to someone who was genuinely nice...

"Okay Monoma!
I'll be waiting to hear some good rumors about you" Midoriya smiled ever so brightly.

"Okay then..."
He stormed off embarrassed as Midoriya returned to eating his bowl of food.

"Why'd you let him down talk you like that?!" Bakugo hissed.

"You should've at least stood up for yourself" Todoroki sighed.

"You're really just going to let him get away with that...?" Sero asked.

Midoriya warmly chuckled, "there's nothing to get mad about.
He wasn't wrong about anything he said.

Besides, what's the point in returning harshly?
I'm not going to get anything out of it.

If anything, he looked like he expected me to lash out on him.
Everyone deserves some kindness you know" he wiped his mouth from the remaining food particles.

You're too kind for your own good" Todoroki commented as he also finished his plate of food.

"Are you sure everyone deserves kindness...
I could list a couple people who don't..." Kirishima asked.

Deserves kindness"

"Even a villain?" Kaminari asked.

Midoriya paused as everyone anticipated his answer.
Midoriya let out a sigh as he glanced at the table and back at Kaminari, "yes.
Even a villain."

The 5 of them all groaned as they watched Midoriya throw the trash away.

Midoriya could see Monoma glancing over at him with a confused expression, he only smiled In return as he made it back to his seat.

After that, lunch was over.

Midoriya was the first one to be in class, not even Aizawa was in the classroom.
He didn't mind it, he enjoyed the time to be able to think for himself.

Shortly the class started to come in, however...
Bakugo and Todoroki were both late.

Midoriya ignored it as his dad walked into the classroom.
He stared questioningly at Midoriya as Bakugo and Todoroki shortly walked in as well.

After one more period, it was finally time to go home.
However, Midoriya found Aizawa waiting outside the classroom rather than in the car.

"What's going on?" He asked a but confused.

"Bakugo and Todoroki informed me that Monoma from class B tried to start something with you"
Aizawa paused as he stepped aside revealing Monoma who stood behind him.

Midoriya raised his brow as things finally pieced together.
No don't worry, it was just a small misunderstanding!
Me and Monoma are friends" he cheered.

Monoma stared in utter surprise at Midoriya who pretty much just saved him from the rath of Aizawa.

Aizawa furrowed his brow, "izuku?"
He forgot he couldn't call him that in front of Monoma...
They weren't home.

We're pals"

He sighed, "fine then.
Monoma, you got off the hook this time.
I'm off"
Aizawa walked away, to the car.

After he could no longer be heard in the hallway Monoma spoke up.
"Why did you save me?"

"I would hardly call that a save, besides back then you didn't really say anything wrong." Midoriya replied.

"But I taunted you and tried to start a fight.
Why aren't you mad???"
He asked in Dismay.

Midoriya lightly chuckled, "because there's no reason to."

A calm silence followed after as Monoma felt utter guilt Dawn upon him.
"How can someone be so...

He's too pure."

Monoma let out a sigh, "Midoriya.
You're too nice for your own good.

I'm sorry."
He held out his hand and looked at the ground.

Midoriya stared in surprise, his shock melted back to a gentle smile as he received the handshake.
"It's all good!

But I kinda gotta go, we can talk tomorrow!"

Monoma nodded his head as he watched Midoriya run down the hall.
He sighed, "the world's going to ruin you...

Not if I have anything to do about it.
I won't let this corrupt world corrupt his genuine kindness."

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