Sports Festival

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Class A sat in the waiting room, it was finally time for the festival.
Everyone was in their hero outfits, prepared for whatever events would be thrown at them.

Their hearts beat with excitement as they sat in anticipation, waiting for their class name to be called out so they could run out to the field.

"The police have yet to make any move and I haven't spotted the league disguising as anyone here.

So I won't be kidnapped today.

Hopefully I won't need to run away today" Midoriya thought to himself.

"What's wrong Midoriya?
You aren't as excited as we'd all expect you to be" Kirishima asked.

"No! I'm really excited, I'm just thinking of a strategy is all" Midoriya brushed it off.

"Oh yeah that definitely sounds like something you'd do, we'll let you focus then hah-"
Kaminari was cut off mid chuckle when class A was finally called out to the field.

"And now for the final class...
Class 1-A!!!"

They collectively got up and ran out to the field, displaying their hero outfits throughout all of Japan.

The crowd roared with excitement as they lined up with the rest of the students.

"And now that everyone has been called out we can start of the festival as we always do!
Will the class A representative come up to stage?" Midnight cheered.

Bakugo stepped out of the crowd and walked onto stage, his hand sat in his pockets as he stared at the crowd bored.

"Oh no he's going to say something to upset everyone"
"Uh oh..."
"He's going to make us all look egotistical..."

"Uh oh, Kacchan is definitely going to say something egotistical"
"Well that's how he is"

"Any inspiring words you want to say to the crowd?"

Bakugo cleared his throat, "I just wanna say...

I'm going to win."

The crowd of students grew enraged as they shouted in anger back at him.
Bakugo grinned as he walked back down to stand with his class.

"Let's see if he'll be able to keep those words true!
On with the first round" midnight shouted as the wheel spun.

It landed on obstacle course race.

"Starting it off with a race!

Everyone line up before the gate as we prepare for the race!!!"

The entire crowd of students lined up before the gate.
Midoriya was preparing himself.
"I shouldn't use my quirk too much to keep from hurting my throat.

And I still don't know when I'll have to use the runaway or kidnap plan because both could be needed at any moment in time.
I have to preserve my stamina"

He thought to himself as he sighed.

"Lighten weight, speed up" Midoriya said with his quirk active.

"On your marks!
Get set!


The gate opened up and the crowd of students went Rushing through.

Midoriya jumped over the crowd, with his added speed and reduced weight he managed to leap as far as Asui on a good day.

"A strong lead!
Izuku Midoriya!!!" Present mic cheered as the crowd watched Midoriya run far ahead.

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