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This is the first thing I could think of lol

Anyway hope you enjoy

Setting- Tommy has hidden his hybrid features from everyone on the server so it's a surprise when he sleeps most of the winter away

Tommy Pov

I frowned as I noticed it starting to get colder. I knew winter was coming but tried to keep it in the back of my mind.

No one on the server knew I was a hybrid. I had hidden that from everyone.

Even my family. I walked along the path trying to find some food that I could store at my house during the winter and not spoil.

I hummed to myself before I looked over to see Tubbo approaching.

"Tommy" he said as he giggled.

"Hey Tubbo" I said with a wave as I stored the food into my inventory.

"Whatcha up to?" He asked.

"Just getting some food" I said with a grin.

"Sounds like fun"  he said before gasping "Could I help?" He asked

I nodded. Of course I was gonna say yes.

This is probably the last time I'll get to hang out with Tubbo till after winter.

"Course follow me" I said as we began walking together.

We got food then just talked and hung our for hours. Before both of us knew it the sun was going down.

"I gotta go Tubbo. It was good to see you" I said and gave him a hug.

Tubbo nods against my shoulder.

"We can meet again next week" he said excitedly

I just nodded. I knew I was lying but I couldn't destroy Tubbos mood.

"Of course. I'll see you" I said and waved as I went back home.

I entered the house and sighed as no one was home. I didnt know what to expect.

Phil and Techno always being on adventures and Wilbur... honestly don't know where he is. Somewhere on this server.

I put all my food into my room and close to the bed. I yawned as I stretched a little.

I took my hoodie out and uncurlwd my tail from my waist.

(Dont ask me idkk)

I got into bed after changing and curled up with all the blankets around me. With the blankets like this it felt like a den to me.

I knew it wasn't but it helped me fall to sleep.

Tubbo Pov

It has been a month. A month since I've seen Tommy.

Or we'll anyone has. Today I decided to go to his house.

I was walking along the path to his house and smiled as I saw it. I knocked on the door happily and waited.

After five minutes no one came to the door. I frowned and knocked again as I got my key out.

I unlocked the door and looked around. It looked like no one had lived here for weeks.

I walked further into the house and went upstairs. I knocked on Tommy's door and waited.

After a few minutes the door opened to reveal Tommy. I instantly hugged him.

"Huh?" He asked sleepily as he hugged me back.

"Where have you been?" I asked him as I pulled away.

"Sleepin'" he muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

I then noticed the tail and ears.

"Are you a racoon hybrid?" I asked him.

He just nods to sleepy to comprehend the question.

"Ooh you're in hibernation" I said "Sorry I interrupted that"

"M'fine Tubbo" he said as he moved to go to his bed.

I followed him and put the blankets back over him. He smiled and thanked me.

"Of course. Go back to sleep" I said as he just nods and passed out.

I cleaned up the house I bit for him before I left. After that visit I contuined to visit him every week to check up on him.

I wish winter would hurry up so we could hang out soon

Word Count- 655

Hope you guys enjoyed this

Maybe other parts of the other mcyts finding him?

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