It Was Always You, George

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3rd Person POV

It was another fantastic stream for Dream. He didn't stream often, but when he did, it was always a fun time. He loved talking with his fans on Twitter, but talking with them on stream was so much better. Especially when his friends joined in. But he loved it whenever George would join him. He had other friends, but no one could compare to George, not even Sapnap, who lived with him. George and he just clicked, like an old married couple. The other always knew what to say to make him happy or to get him to laugh.

He was still on a discord call with some of his friends, like George, Sapnap, and Karl. Sapnap and Karl had left not too long ago as they had another stream to get ready for. He must have spaced out because before he knew it, George was calling his name.

"Dream?" he heard George ask.

He looks up to see only George in the discord call. He chuckled a bit, trying not to worry him.

"Sorry! He started. "Sorry I spaced out," he said.

He knew George didn't buy it but went over it. He liked just listening to George talk as he spaced out. He had been thinking and spacing out more often these days. It's usually mostly about George, surprisingly enough. He started thinking about George more and more. It was all he thought about.

"Dream", he heard again, and he looked up.

It was George again, and he looked even more concerned. He blinks and frowns.

"Yeah? Sorry I've been so spacy today," he said softly.

George chuckled softly, which made Dream's heart flutter a bit, making him stop. That didn't usually happen. He didn't question it though.

"It's okay, Dream. Are you sure you're okay though? " George asked with concern in his eyes.

"I'm okay... I've just been thinking more recently. Like your visa and other things," he replied to George.

George nods and smiles at him. He couldn't help but blush and look away quickly, even if his camera was off. He couldn't help it. George made him feel wanted, even if he didn't know it.

"Well, I'll be there soon," George said softly, and Dream paused.

"Soon? What do you mean?" he asked quickly.

"My visa got approved." He said and Dream began to smile.

"Really?" He asked, and George only nodded. "Oh my God, I can't wait," he continued happily.

They had been waiting for this for months. All the times George's visa had been denied or on the waitlist. All the late-night discord calls would finally stop. He would finally see George in person, and he would live with him and Sapnap. It would be amazing.

But he would have to come to terms that maybe he was in love with his best friend. He could not deny it anymore. The way he thought about him and his heart raced whenever George would smile at him. Or whenever he would blush whenever George would say his name. Sapnap would tease him all the time, but he would deny it.

He didn't think he could deny it now. He looks back at George.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked, and George looked up and nodded. "Do you like anyone?" Dream asked softly and unsure.

George paused and thought about Dreams question. He had never even thought about it before. He didn't even know why Dream was asking. Maybe he thought he was going to leave someone he had a crush on in England to come to America. Or maybe he was trying to say he had a crush on George.

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